There is a momentum in american politics now. The governing parties the social democrats and the green Party can, along with the Centre party and the Liberals, take the important step ahead in modernising the labour market. In the work of the commission of inquiry ”Sustainable working life over time”, presented in the day, I have as an investigator together with the social partners discussed how the Swedish labour market can evolve towards a more sustainable work life, with reduced risk for ill-health and unemployment.

My ambition has been that the proposals that are put forward should not be something party, unions or arbetsgivarorganisations ”drömlösning” – but the proposal, which can solve the problem in reality and who has a real chance to be implemented, even in a more complicated parliamentary mode.

There is a chance right now to create long-term sustainable solutions thanks to mittenöverenskommelsen which is the basis for the current government’s work.

Many of the issues we have discussed can be identified are best dealt with by the social partners. The Swedish labour market model means that there are good conditions to find industry-specific solutions and the investigation includes surveys and examples for the parties to look further at, inter alia, on the importance of a good, basic staff.

But there are also areas where we believe that politicians need to step in and take responsibility.

1 Increased opportunities for conversion through the development and reform of the public employment service. In the commission’s mid-term report was launched the proposal on utvecklingsledighet, that during the period of leave from their job receive compensation for engaging in professional development. This is to be able to begin a transition to a new profession and create mobility in the labour market. In fyrpartiöverenskommelsen agree to implement the proposal, under the name of development. The parties are also agreed that the reform of the employment services of the foundation.

therefore, It is desirable that the government takes the impression of it which was called for in the same mid-term report – to review support for the conversion and further development for those already in employment. Even people who work can in fact be in need of support to come to terms with matchningsproblematiken. They can be matchningsbara against other professions than his current job may need to move both for their own sake but also for those furthest from the labour market should be given a chance. If society can find the right people so development time is an important investment in several stages.

2 Differentiate the costs of employer for the benefit of employers who offer secure forms of employment. the Investigation shows that the exceptions from the general rule on permanent employment, temporary workload peaks, sickness absence, and opportunities for such students to work extra, is increasingly used routinely. The main reason seems to be that temporary employment is cheaper, rather than that the need is temporary. To change on it is the economic instruments are an interesting way forward.

By making it more expensive to hire temporary and cheaper to hire until further notice, the government may strengthen the norm of indefinite duration, after the same principles as it is assumed when you agreed on a green tax shift. Such a differentiation is found in several other european countries and should be one of the inputs in the government’s review of the employer’s contributions shall be made during the term of office. It would mean that the union representatives criticized the status of staff general temporary remain, but that it becomes more expensive for employers to use.

3 , Providing people with insecure employment increased security. the Government, together with the C and L also agree that you want to see a better balance in the anställningsskydden for staff with different employment conditions.

In the study, we have investigated how the employment protection act (las) does a person who is employed temporarily on individual sessions, compared with a more cohesive replacement. Because the longer vikariatet also counts the length of service between shifts at work so can two people have an equally long working relationship with her employer, but one will have to wait very much longer before the conversion rules shall enter into and the person gets the opportunity of a permanent position. It is a very unfair system.

the Employer should also continue to have good opportunities to employ temporarily, but when the need persists over time need job security to be strengthened for those working a long time on short fixed-term employment. Therefore, we propose that the time between the short-term contracts and in some cases must be counted as a period of employment.

4 Forbid not the re-regulation of working hours, but provide workers who suffer a higher level of protection. the Investigation also fixed on the parties ‘ different perspectives in the issue of the re-regulation of working hours, thus, when an employer, rather than say someone chooses to offer one or several persons at a lower arbetstidsmått. If the employee decline such an offer, the person may be terminated, regardless of how long the person worked in the workplace.

It is not reasonable that a worker in this situation lose the protection turordningsreglerna in the employment protection act is supposed to provide. It creates a situation where no one can feel secure in their employment and implies a risk for, in practice, arbitrary layoffs.

Some unions and political parties want to see a clean ban. The commission’s proposals mean instead that employers continue to freely receive target omplaceringserbjudanden which only means a lower number of hours – but the worker was given the opportunity to reject the offer and still retain his place in the order of entry. This may mean that the employer can create its new organisation without having to lay off employees, and then in accordance with the turordningsreglerna.

fyrpartiöverenskommelsen it says that the labour law should be adapted to today’s labour market. the Parties agree that the employer shall have the flexibility and the individual worker should be protected from arbitrary layoffs. The proposal from the commission of inquiry has the potential to nurture the intention, a greater predictability in the labour market and protection against arbitrariness, at the same time, that flexibility for employers is maintained.

All parties in the labour market and all the political parties are basically agreed that we shall have a labour market where people feel good. What’s needed now are concrete measures for a more sustainable working life, where people are less at risk of stress and mental ill-health.

There is a chance right now to create long-term sustainable solutions thanks to mittenöverenskommelsen which is the basis for the current government’s work. I hope that the people involved, both parties as well as parties, take the chance.