“Trump on the way to surrender to the taliban”

“President Trump is about to surrender to the taliban in Afghanistan.”

“He wants out so well and so quickly that he is prepared to settle for a deal that passably can save the face of the united states, but that does not give any guarantees to the country again become a base for terrorist attacks against the west.”

“So, I interpret the data that the united states reached a framework agreement with the taliban, the same movement that the united states went to war to overthrow the terrorist attacks in the united states in 2001.”

“Yet there is no ready-made peace, but that Trumps the administration already go out and say that the agreement indicates that the settlement is relatively close in time.”

“the Whole process suggests that Trump are in a hurry to fulfill his election promise and withdraw the us troops from the war-torn country where, in principle, no peace has prevailed since the Soviet union invaded in 1979.”

“only a month ago ordered Trump hemtagandet of half of the 14 000 us troops in Afghanistan. A clear signal to the taliban that their negotiating position is exquisite.”

“another sign in the same direction is that the united states agreed to taliban demands to exclude the afghan government from the negotiations. Clearer than this it cannot be said that Trump is ignoring completely how it goes for Afghanistan and its US-backed government as long as he can pull back his troops, but it looks like the US will disappear with his tail between his legs.”

“the united states started the war against Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001, after it ruled that it was al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks of september 11, and that the taliban provided him a safe haven.”

“the Taliban was overthrown, admittedly, but defeated never definitely. Instead, licked the taliban from their wounds and have once again grown in strength. Today, you are in control of approximately half of Afghanistan. The day the u.s. and other foreign troops are withdrawn, the risk is imminent that the taliban are once again marching against Kabul and take over power.”

“Probably it has fallen away from people’s minds but the the taliban regime in 1996-2001 was a precursor to the islamist skräckstyre that the Islamic state established in its självutropade caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Piskstraff was for unfaithful women. Music and television were banned. Strict sharia law was applied. Girls did not go to school.”

“the World has plowed down huge sums in aid to try to get the country on its feet. Girls may go again in the school. Women can work and get higher education.”

“the united states has spent billions to train and equip the afghan army.”

“All this is in vain if the taliban once again are allowed to take power.it is tempting to draw parallels with the final stages of the Vietnam war, when the US agreed on a peace settlement despite the fact that they knew that their stödregim in what was then south vietnam would not have a chance against the communists in the north.”

“the Question is, of course, also what happens with terrorläget. Will the taliban and a dozen other terrorist group operating in the mountainous and ottillgängliga the country to once again turn Afghanistan into a base for the terroroperationer against the united states and the rest of the western world?”

“Even if a peace agreement would contain guarantees from the taliban to not again allow the country to become a haven for terrorists, they are in practice useless because the united states and the west when the troops once withdrawn will not have any opportunity to ensure that the safeguards are complied with. With less than a re-start the war against the taliban.”

“All american presidents have failed miserably with their war in Afghanistan. George W Bush started it and Barack Obama who promised to end it. “

“can Possibly Trump be the one who manages to end the war, but it seems in this case to be at the price of the to be the one that allows for the taliban to make a comeback.”