visitors to the Spanish riding school in Vienna were able to enjoy a perfect choreography. The Piaffen and pirouettes of the Lipizzaner to attract 300 000 visitors a year. The “ballet of the white stallions” is a Unesco world heritage site. For more than 450 years, is here maintained in the Renaissance Tradition of the “High school”, the classical art of riding. However, in these days of the in Austria well-kept high school of the dispute, and the intrigue dominates rather. The reason is the investiture of the new Boss, Sonja climate.

The Name invites the colorful leaves is equal to some word game, especially “climate poisoning” is taken. He refers to the fact that the 55-Year-old has enjoyed some prominence, as the wife of the social democratic Chancellor, Viktor Klima, which ruled the country until the year 2000.

The marriage is, however, divorced a long time ago. The Ex-wife of the Ex-Chancellor, who once worked as a primary school teacher, has built a new life, in which they commonly referred to as “the Charity Lady”, also if you like the self-declared masses. What she likes, but obviously, networks represent, since 2010, especially as President of the Ronald McDonald children’s aid.

Since the Renaissance, the Lodge in the riding school is here maintained the classic art of riding:. Photo: Keystone

of Course, she is also a passionate Horsewoman, but all together would not appear to be all sufficient for the Post at the top of an Austrian national Shrine. After climate had been recently by the Supervisory Board of the riding school to the new Executive Director chosen, stepped back, the four-member Advisory Board and one of the members of the Supervisory Board, under loud Protest. They had preferred a candidate who stands for more than 40 years of service to the riding school. Now you rant about “Post Schacher” and warn, in writing, that “here is a unique international Institution, a long-term damage,” will adds. They claim that “with Sonja Klima, a purely political decision” taken.

heard on-the-Go with Short –

That Post will be awarded according to the political theory of color, in Austria, known also to the maintenance of tradition, and the riding school is a state-owned the of the ÖVP-led Ministry of agriculture. There is denied any influence, vehemently.

But climate contacts to the grandees of the national party were, in fact, hardly to be overlooked in recent times. From the SPÖ, it is, in the state election campaign in lower Austria dedicated to the Austrian people’s party top candidate, and the Chancellor, Mr Sebastian Kurz, you posed the other day with a punch. At least your not hurt.

The critics of climate met with a media offensive, in the “Kronen Zeitung” on your side know that you visited at home on her horse stud farm in Marchegg. The reader learns, “as the horse this woman is in love,” and that here “even the Shoe spoon is a horse’s head”. Climate refers to its experience in the areas of Marketing and Fundraising, she wants to play well for the benefit of the heavily indebted Institution. “I’ll do my Best to restore peace”, it promises. But the antics are always to the riding school. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 31.01.2019, 10:08 PM