“Save us from the Löfvens neoliberal anti-racism”

“Enna Gerin about how antirasismen and klasspolitiken have been decoupled from each other in Sweden”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“the DEBATE. That the agreement’s 73-points can be sold in as a great antifascistiskt defense of liberal democracy is a clear example of how antirasismen and klasspolitiken have been decoupled from each other in Sweden. The government’s attempt to excuse their ojämlikhetspolitik already beginning to become tiresome.”

“I understand that many feel relieved to ultranationalisterna and nyssnazisterna in SD’s direction kept away from the direct influence of the Swedish government. At least a few years. I am also relieved it. “

“It is more difficult to understand is how most of the line and sinker to buy the S-led government’s fairy tale about the lousy negotiated the agreement with the C and L would be an anti-racist, necessarily, and the only way to stop the SD.”

“I thank you for the concern, but I am also a social democrat, and the last thing I need is to be used as a weapon in the defense of a bad agreement that can prove to be a historic error of social democracy.”

“you Echo lördagsintervju (26 jan) it was difficult for the minister for employment Ylva Johansson to defend the centerpartistiska the slaughter of the employment services, unemployment law and employment law. When it got too sweaty, she began to seriously talk about how ”xenophobic, racist, nationalist forces grow strong” in Europe. It is a historic task to isolate these. This will be a standard answer when the criticism against the government’s right-wing politics blows than harder.”

“How a brutal privatisation of the employment services, the worsening of unemployment, the weakening of labor law and the raising of rents to fight back neo-fascism is beyond belief. This contradiction understood many of the post-war liberals. Today, they go hand-in-hand with the social democrats who close their eyes hard to not see the consequences of the policy they should pursue. “

“the night rely on the liberal anständighetsbarriärer and good values is a mistake, it will itself never stop nyfascismens rampage. Torbjörn Nilsson (Expressen, jan 17) has, therefore, unfortunately, right: The liberal regeringsblocket seems to have no real plan on how to put a stop to the SD card’s rampage. “

“In a credible defence of liberal democracy must antirasismen intertwine with a radical equality policies. So save us from the Löfven II-the government’s neo-liberal anti-racism. It will not save anyone.”