“Opening the first line of the aggressors are”
“Over 12 000 an assault with violence in close relationships was notified 2017. Now set up the first telephone line that is addressed to what is described as the root cause – våldsutövarna.”
“– In most cases it is about men, and we help the man so we help the whole family, ” says Ulf Calvert, therapist at Manscentrum.”
“Violence in close relationships is considered to be a widespread problem in Sweden, and on 4 February, dragging the project”
“the phone Line is addressed to those who exercise violence in order to get them to change their behavior. The caller’s line will be received by the experienced staff at Manscentrum to get help and support to begin treatment. The organizations behind the project believe that the establishment of the telephone line to focus on. ”
“– in the Past, it has focused on those who become vulnerable, and I think this is good and it should continue, but in order to create a change, one must focus on the practitioners and get them to go to treatment, ” says Ulf Calvert.”
“Over 12 000 of assault offences where gärningspersonen was related to were notified in Sweden by the year 2017. Mainly it is the men who beats women, ” says Calvert. The phone line is anonymous to as many people as possible to dare to touch on something that is difficult to talk about.”
“– it makes It easier to call and talk about something that is very shame, ” he says.”
“the Line started as a pilot project and is therefore directed only to the accommodation in Skåne and the Stockholm region. In three years, the project will be evaluated to see if a national phone line can be established. But if someone is calling from outside the county. is not the entire world, but the staff will try to help them to change and treatment.”
“Could come sooner”
“Because the phone line is anonymous, the aim cannot be to report a crime, according to Ulf Calvert.”
“– Is it an ongoing felony and if there is violence against children, we try to talk with the person in question to get them to contact social services. It is something that is very serious so we have to call the police.”
“the Inspiration for the idea comes from a phone line in London that has existed for 15 years. Staff in the project have been with and trained staff in Sweden. Christina Ericson at the county administrative board of Stockholm, who has long worked on these issues, would like to have seen that line up before. She believes that many can get help.”
“– It is only now that you really started to think more around the treatment, for it is not enough to protect and support the victim. There are also different opinions about what should be done to reduce violence. Some think, rather, that it should be checked against an incorrect behavior and that the focus should not be on treatment. But we do not want to polarize this project but we are so happy that the phone line becomes a reality, ” says Christina Ericson.”
“the Project is a collaboration between the county administrative board of Stockholm, county administrative board of Skåne and Manscentrum. The telephone line is addressed to the people in the Stockholm and Skåne.”
“the phone Number to ”Choose to stop” is 020-555 666.”
“On the website valjattsluta.see there will be information about where to turn for help to change violent behaviour.”
“Source: Select to quit”