“Children must be protected from religious schools”
“the Debaters: Etableringsstoppet is not enough”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. It is welcome to Stefan Löfven in regeringsförklaringen mentioned the introduction of a etableringsstopp for schools with a confessional orientation as one of the januariavtalets 73 points. In fyrpartiöverenskommelsen it says:”
“A etableringsstopp introduced for the stand-alone primary and secondary schools with a confessional orientation. Existing schools with a denominational orientation will be better controlled. An investigation, it shall first define the boundaries.””
“They appreciate this initiative, since the school is for knowledge and learning, even about religions and other philosophies, but the school’s activity shall not unilaterally affect the students’ faith. The state must in the compulsory and tax-funded school, therefore protecting children and young people’s freedom of religion or belief, that is to say, the right to exercise, search for, select, and opt out of religious faith or other beliefs. “
“The one-sided religious influences that are found in religious schools is a violation of students’ freedom of religion, then the school’s impact makes it difficult for students to shape their own faith and beliefs. At the same time, the school must of course accept that students may exercise their freedom of religion by expressing and practising their faith and beliefs, so long as it does not interfere with classes or other students.”
“It is said in the regeringsförklaringen and januariavtalet is not enough, however. Children’s freedom of religion or belief needs to be protected in all schools. Why should religious-sided impact away also from the current stand-alone schools, likewise, from our kindergartens. “
“Our hope is that the investigation is about the faith element of the school provides the basis for a principled decision that rests in the conviction that children’s right to freedom of religion is fundamental in our democracy, and whether schools or kindergartens with the denominational focus, therefore, should be allowed in the tax-funded school system.”
“They advocate, therefore, that the same rules that already apply to public schools – that the whole of the school day should be free from denominational elements – should also apply to private schools. Our concrete proposal is therefore to remove the exemption in the education Act (1 kap 7 §).”
“this way, we can get a school that becomes a meeting place for students with different backgrounds, and who does not sort students according to their parents’ beliefs. On the side of limiting children’s freedom of religion, contributes to religious private schools to split up and segregate on the basis of belief. It hinders integration and the opportunities for students to meet and create understanding for children with other perspectives, opinions, and beliefs.”
“in Addition to the principled arguments shows the periodic media reporting on deficiencies in religious private schools where the curriculum is enforced or schools infringes skollagens values. These shortcomings can perhaps be addressed with greatly expanded control, but the principle shortcomings will control never solve. This requires a new regulatory framework.”
“Even if a etableringsstopp is not enough, it is a necessary step in the right direction. Children’s rights need to be strengthened in our society. Sweden was early to prohibit the corporal punishment of children, now we need to go ahead and stop religious private schools. We are counting the days until etableringsstoppet is introduced.”
“nAnna Bergström, chairman HumanisternanUlf Gustafsson, secretary Humanists”
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