A Polish journalist working on the tv channel Superwisjer took employment at a slaughterhouse in Poland during the last year. By Wallraff method, he was able to show how the cows were treated very bad and even sick animals were slaughtered. Among other things, you should have cut away tumors and wounds on the animals to package their meat for sale.

Now notifies Nfa that the parties from the slaughterhouse may have come to Sweden. Four wholesalers from different parts of the country have bought up to half a ton of meat from sick animals.

there is currently no information where the meat has come forth from wholesalers, or even if it has had time to get into Sweden.

“We have managed to trace it much earlier in the chain,” says Nyholm.

She also says that the responsibility for this situation wholly on the Polish slaughterhouse.

– It is this company that has placed diseased meat on the market. We have a common EUROPEAN legislation concerning food in order to allow the open borders. We should be able to trust that meat from Polish companies is as safe as meat from Swedish companies. We have the same rules to follow, ” says Louise Nyholm and adds that the Swedish wholesalers would not have done anything wrong.

the Responsibility for collecting the bad meat is now on the national Food administration and municipalities.

“We have contacted both our own organisation and the city of Stockholm,” says Louise Nyholm.

Köttkontroller in Poland after slakteriskandal