In the public service is more limited than in the private sector. The response to a request of the Left-Bundestag Deputy, Susanne Ferschl shows. Accordingly, in 2017, were employed about 390 000 persons Employed in the public service limited – the equivalent of 9.5 percent. In the private sector employed 2.1 million workers, only 7.1 per cent on a temporary basis. the Henrike Roßbach, Berlin
The stumbling block is found on page 52 of the coalition agreement: “We want to abolish the abuse of fixed-term contracts” that promise Union and SPD. “Therefore, employers may be limited, with more than 75 employees, only a maximum of 2.5 percent of the workforce in-kind for a reason.” As a “xed” there is a time limit, not to be used for the Bridging of Parental leave, illness, failure, or the Like; an insecure job situation, for example, can work dishes, not as a reason to apply.
would be What you arrived in the centre of a conflict that is likely to provide in the near term for the thickness of the air between the economy and the Federal government. After the Confederation of employers has resisted associations (BDA) last week, against a tightening of the limit rules, now also the employers ‘ Association total metal in position. “Property, plant and gratuitous limitation must not be restricted,” said total metal-President Rainer dulger pointed out on Tuesday in Berlin. The economic climate is deteriorating, “the companies need in such times, more flexibility, not less.”
“is similar to The Assumption of a permanent contract with a lottery game”
To the own point of view, and has a total metal equal to three opinions in order to give to the staff planning, constitutional and labour law aspects of the deepening. That order opinions are seldom or never to results which are contrary to the interests of the Client completely, is known. Interesting points there are in the total metal opinion yet. The threshold trigger value of more than 75 employees “constitutional concerns,” said Markus Stoffel, a Professor of law at the University of Heidelberg, and referred to the “unequal treatment of comparable situations”.
The labor lawyer Richard Giesen of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, also pointed out that companies had no possibility of time limits “tangible reason” to Dodge. Their application in the private sector was excluded “virtually”. The economy is angry, especially that stricter rules should apply, although the phenomenon of duration in the public sector is more widespread. Dulger pointed out pointed out that in the public service, almost every tenth employee is temporarily employed in the metal and electrical industry, in contrast, only four per cent. “Why, then, is to be introduced in the private sector, a quota of 2.5 per cent, while the public service can be limited on a whim?”
is temporarily in the public service more frequently, is also confirmed by the response of the Federal government to a request of the Left-Bundestag Deputy, Susanne Ferschl, which is the SZ. Accordingly, in 2017, were employed about 390 000 persons Employed in the public service (9.5 percent) on a temporary basis. In the private sector employed 2.1 million employees, compared with only 7.1 per cent on a temporary basis. In the public service of the fixed-term share in 2017 was as high as ten years earlier, in the private sector, 1.2 percentage points higher. However, the percentage for new hires in the public service in 2017, it stood at 61 percent, only one in four was then taken on permanent. In the private sector, only 40 percent of the new hires were temporary, and 46 percent were adopted. “The Acquisition of a permanent contract is like a lottery game,” said Ferschel; property, plant and baseless time limits