“Those with the highest income should pay for the climate”
“Replica from Ulla Andersson (V) if the government’s environmental policies”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“REPLICA. We want to be able to leave behind a world to our children and grandchildren where they have reasonable conditions to live a good life. That is why it is so important to klimatomställningen is carried out so that it is perceived as fair and that everyone gets a chance to make environmentally friendly choices.”
“The Left party see in front of them is a fiscal policy where the polluter pays principle applies. Then is it not reasonable that those who consume the most will shy away. Not that those who are forced to take the car to work may pay so much that it feels hopeless. “
“at the same time as the climate is crucial for our future, it is also unsustainable, with growing gaps. A time not too long ago, was our country the best at creating a level playing field. So we want to be again.”
“Sweden has a tax system that redistributes at least among the EU’s 15 core. We allow the richest to get a deduction on the deduction, while sick and unemployed are being hunted feverishly. Now with värnskatten be abolished, which means that those with the highest incomes will receive tax cuts that cost more than what the government and their co-operation parties expect to spend on general government to the whole kommunsverige. “
“the Left party would like to increase the taxation of those with high incomes, large incomes and fortunes. At the same time, we believe that the low – and middle-income earners should pay no less tax than today. We want to establish a green investment bank that makes it possible to set faster, fossil fuels should be phased out and the AP-funds have to do away with their fossil fuel holdings.”
“But to klimatomställningen to succeed, we also need to see how the common people should be able to be compensated for the increased taxes. In Canada there is a model that we in Sweden should consider taking after. It means that people with ordinary incomes did not stand for the bill – they are compensated – at the same time as those with the highest incomes have to pay for their carbon footprint. “
“It provides both a more equitable society and a good opportunity for a working klimatomställning. “
“Ulla Andersson (V), the economic-political spokesperson”
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