One of the defendants claims that he had been informed that it was lying in an injured elk in the roadside, and that he wanted to kill it with biljekken. He is accused of gross violence towards animals, while another man, who filmed it all and let the video out on Snapchat, is accused of complicity, reports NRK.

In the video, one can hear that the man who films, ” says to the other that he should “just go straight on with a time. On the contrary. Only the “dryl” to as it keeps. Only turn. Great devil, you know!”. After the first battle, you hear laughter from the man as movies.

Reactions to the video from Fosen in Trøndelag were strong, and the prosecution called, among other things, that “Avlivingen was not successful as neither the method or the execution was capable of killing, and the action led to a strong fear and pain for the moose”.

– the Case is a serious breach of dyrevelferdsloven. Animals should be euthanized in a proper and correct way, and it is in no way done here, ” says district attorney Jarle Wikdahl.

Viltnemnda had to go out and kill the moose in a more gentle way, almost a day after it was turned with biljekken.

The two men in the 30 – and 40-years of age are at risk of being sentenced to prison for battering. The defenders of the two defendants don’t want to comment on the case. the

Stor-Elvdal already has the world’s highest moose. Now they want to build a new one in the gold at 20 metres