“We got through almost the whole of our climate policy”
“the Centre party: It is a great victory and we took our responsibility with Januariavtalet”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Sweden has finally got a government. It was of course absolutely necessary to have in place, after over four months of talmansrundor, soundings and negotiations. Voters expect politicians to handle the results of the election and had to wait far too long in a government. “
“the Centre party wanted in the first place see a alliansregering, but on the basis of the election results and other parties’ unwillingness to move from their locked positions, it was not possible. “
“We then chose to take responsibility, roll up their sleeves, helped to get a government in place, at the same time as we held the SD completely away from the influence and got through an unprecedented liberal reform agenda. We are proud of it.”
“Something we are particularly proud of, among the 73 liberal proposal that we have negotiated, the reforms are to push back the threat to the climate. Januariavtalet, that the agreement with the government has come to be called, is packed full of smart and effective measures to reduce emissions, and to turn from fossil to renewable energy. “
“Almost all liberal and teknikfrämjande climate policy that the Centre party pushed for many years is now becoming reality. It is a great victory in itself.”
“Green tax reform has become almost synonymous with the Centre party in recent years. We have driven this reform as soon as we got the chance. Now comes a powerful, the green tax reform on the spot, where the tax was raised on it which destroys the environment, the money used to reduce taxes on jobs and enterprise.”
“New, smart, green technology as a method to push back the threat to the climate has also become a hallmark for the Centre policy on climate change through the years. “
“Now call for the mandatory admixture of renewable fuel in the flygtanken be introduced, which will mean less emissions from aviation. It will also speed up the technical development in the airline industry, when the market adapts to the new rules.”
“in Addition, the introduction of an investment support for the test facilities of the environmental engineering, which means that it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It is, therefore, net negative emissions, a technology that could be revolutionary in the fight to counter the rise in temperature. Here, Sweden is required to be in the forefront and be an example. Now we take the first step towards it.”
“to climate change is to be successful, also individuals be on the train. Without them it will not go. Climate policy must fit into the work-life balance. “
“Why has the Centre party has long pushed proposals for smart instruments, the carrots, if you like, for it to be easier and cheaper to be climate-friendly in their everyday lives. “
“With Januariavtalet it will be easier and more profitable to invest in renewable energy for their own use, for example, in solar photovoltaic, solar thermal or wind power. A generous green deduction, where the one who invests in green technology in the home will receive a large discount, are also becoming a reality. “
“in Addition, klimatbonusen for passenger cars strengthened and the infrastructure for fossil-fuel-free charging and refuelling to be built out.”
“Also, companies will get more reasons to become more climate-friendly. It is planned now to introduce producer responsibility for textiles, which makes it easier to submit their clothing for recycling. “
“It also introduces a ban on the mikroplaster and a ban on unnecessary articles of plastics.”
“The who voted for the Centre party because you wanted to see action on climate change will not be disappointed. “
“Januariavtalet is filled to the brim with a growth-friendly and teknikoptimistisk climate policy that favors jobs and entrepreneurship, smart solutions that use market mechanisms to make it easier and more profitable to be climate-friendly. nnPrecis in the spirit that the Centre party have been active for many years. We continue to take responsibility for the climate.”
“nRickard Nordin, climate science and policy spokesperson (C).”
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