for years a leader – and trenertype in fotballuniverset been associated with an authoritarian figure who constantly raises his voice and the parts out shut up when it is needed.

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjær goes against the “norm”, just the way Marit Breivik did when she on her unique and exclusive authoritarian way – built the world’s best håndballandslag in stark contrast to how rival Jegvenij Trefimov worked with the Russian national team.

Corresponding contrasts we see in how Solskjær work and as a human being compared to Manchester United predecessor José ^ the academic degree awarded. Just so He knew before she struck through with its inclusive treningsfilosofi, Solskjær many times told that he is too kind to be fotballmanager at the highest level.

– I got a lot of criticism from outside, because it was strange to see a coach involve the players in as large a degree. I was told that I was too kind. It’s okay enough, but I was very focused and had strong ambitions. It is challenging to create something. To get the best out of people, you have to find out what it means. Then one must talk together, ” says Marit Breivik to the Newspaper.

GOT the CRITICISM: Marit Breivik’s inclusive leadership style faced a lot of opposition at the start of his trenerkarriere. Now more and more like her. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB scanpix Show more

– Many players experienced as me demanding in the beginning, because they were not accustomed to having so many questions and be so challenged. It took some years before it was a good and effective interaction. A man is sensitive and vulnerable. On the search for the maximum performance you are extra vulnerable.

– No reason to cry

yell has Brevik, who was named “the Year of the trainer” under Idrettsgallaen 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2009, little faith in.

– It took some time before I realized that it was not a joke to shout from the from the sidelines. Then it is too late. But one must learn them to understand even what they need to do on the pitch. The players must read the game and make good tactical choice by itself, ” says the 63-year-old to the Newspaper.

– It is very inspiring with Ole Gunnar. He is interested in strategizing and have close contact with them. Ole creates a situation where players feel safe. He is a tillitsbygger. For me, it is a very inspiring teamwork.

Solskjær and Breivik have several similarities in leadership. It is different than what many would expect of a manager.

Cole about Solskjær: – Very, very quiet

for that reason, never thought Manchester United legend Andy Cole, as Solskjær was a spissduo along with countless times in the spillerkarrieren, that nordmøringen should go into treneryrket.

SURPRISE: Andy Cole (t.h.) so never on Ole Gunnar Solskjær (t.v.) as a future fotballmanager. Photo: REUTERS View more

– I had not thought that Solskjær was to be manager, if I am to be completely honest. When you see someone like Joe is the manager, turns to you and says: “I never saw it coming as the player”. But right now, he does a very good job, ” says Andy Cole in the Sky Sports podcast The Debate.

Why Cole didn’t think Solskjær would be fotballmanager, give him so:

– Some of the ones I played with, I was sure that would be a manager. It is just a feeling you get based on how they appear. With Ole, it was the total opposite. He was very quiet. Very, very quiet, points out Solskjærs earlier spissmakker in Manchester United.

Joe got on well with everyone, but was raised never vote and said that this I can manage and it. He just did the job, in the right way.

Berg: “No, no

Henning Berg also played many years with Solskjær, but says to Dagbladet that he did not have the same opinion of Solskjær as Cole.

– no, No! says current Town coach and former Manchester United player Henning Berg to the Newspaper.

What characterises the really a good coach?

– It is a larger package. There are few who have everything, many people who have much, believes the former Blackburn manager.

SOLSKJÆR: Dagbladet sportsjournalist Øyvind Godø believe there are four reasons that Ole Gunnar Solskjær has been successful as manager of Manchester United. Video: Kristoffer Løkås Show more

In this regard, asks the Newspaper question:

What exactly is good leader in football and this sport’s world?

there Is something in the stereotype that they must be authoritarian, to raise your voice and yell periodically? Or is the image of the good coach in the modification, in conjunction with increased knowledge of how psychology affects human and get the best out of each and every individual?

In the Norwegian sports has Breivik been a trenerideal with the exact opposite approach than, for example, her Russian trenerrival Trefilov.

What is a good leader?

Almost equally large contrasts is Solskjær and his managerforgjenger in Manchester United, ^ the academic degree awarded.

Solskjær and Breivik seems to go under the category of “Level 5 Leadership”, the last link in the lederhierarkiet which mixes great personal humility with tremendous professional will. According to Harvards five-year research study is this paradoxical combination is the key to making a good company to an extraordinary company with sustained success.

Trenerlegenden Marit Breivik believes the most important leadership abilities, for her book, is:

SOLSKJÆR: Ole Gunnar Solskjær has been a very good start as manager of Manchester United. One of the reasons it can according to Dagbladet sportsjournalist Øyvind Godø be Solskjærs active use of his mentor Alex Ferguson. Video: Kristoffer Løkås Show more

– Personality, verdiståsted, humanity and what background you have, what has he experienced even by culture, upbringing, sense of belonging, community. It has shaped me in my leadership role, ” says Breivik, the Dagbladet and elaborates:

– A leader has the overall responsibility. There must not be any doubt about who takes the decisions. But equality in communication is important. To see each other as valuable resources and create something together. The community has gained a greater place in modern leadership.

human nature usual

Breivik detects that it is not all that has been the philosophy that made her one of the Norwegian suksesstrenere.

Solskjær amaze with Rashford-transformation

– It is not everyone who has discovered it and not everyone has realized that this is the way to go, because of culture and such in other countries. I’m very convinced that if there is to be a long-term cooperative relationship, is the interaction between boss and player is essential. It was my overall practice, ” says trenerlegenden to the Newspaper.

I thought that we should climb to gold quickly with håndballjentene, but it took four years before we came all the way to the top. It was an intensive period with a lot of frustration and resistance. But it was a very constructive and participatory party. They got to be with and affect. Self-esteem increased. I have the human nature usual that I am looking for the resource in each individual employee.

– If you are very authoritarian, is it strange to listen to what others think. In the authoritarian, old-fashioned notion was a guru, a allviter, have the answer to everything. There is a lot of knowledge, a trainer and head to bid on, but in communication with the own knowledge you should contribute to it being taken and used on, ” says Breivik.

Solskjær gave Pogba (16) chance. Worse went it with the rest of the students

This is a nordic way of thinking. There are many good Swedish coaches who have the same human nature usual and solid values. We have been in an old-fashioned culture in many idrettsmiljøer in Norway also, but I think it begins to turn. The player should be able to lead itself. The player will not remember a recipe, but have a technical and tactical repertoire that makes them best suited to meet all possible situations, she believes.

Solskjær stands for much of what Breivik did. Although Andy Cole is not thought the former storscoreren should be exercising, shelves he nordmøringen for what he has achieved at the helm at Old Trafford.

I have read that some believe that anyone could have done this, but it is easier said than done. People should instead say: “I applaud it”, because Joe has handled the pressures that come with the job in a masterful way. He must have results and have managed to deliver it.

Verdiraset: – No one should be allowed to do it again