Actually, it always looks so cozy. For example, the Video of Cristiano Ronaldo , when he was newly changed to Juventus Turin . A bit of Jogging on the treadmill, a Smile for the camera, thumbs up. These images are shown to us, if a club writes that the newly employed graduated from Star of the obligatory medical check, “successfully”.

The reality is, however, different. To be a lot harder. We have made a suicide attempt. But you can see in the Video above.

How the result looks like and what it takes to pass the Test, you see in the bottom Video.

Passed or not? GC-team doctor Stefan explains Cheerfully. Video: Gilles Brönnimann, Fabian Sanginés

the Check is Divided into two sections: performance diagnostics, then meeting and examination with the doctor, at the time of the injury history of the footballer theme. GC-team doctor Stefan Fröhlich explains: “A half day should be allowed.” Cheerful, in cooperation with his boss, Walter O. Frey, what are the Tests to be carried out.

“What are the modules to be examined, depends strongly on the order-giving Clubs or associations,” says sports scientist Karin Camenisch, the normally observed in the implementation. In addition to the GC-footballers too, especially the winter athletes are hard-working visitors to the Department performance diagnostics of Zurich, Balgrist hospital. Evidence of this is the wall full of autograph cards, including Wendy Holdener smiles with her gold medal into the room.

ECG is crucial

But happens in the performance of diagnosis? The basic requirement is a ECG-Test that shows whether the circulatory System, everything is in order. This is of relevance for the sporting suitability of. In case of irregularities is not made under circumstances even more – and the Transfer of bursts probably.

“Fortunately, I had to quit so never a career,” says Cheerful. Rather, it is the custom here, that he discusses with the athlete the results of the endurance and power of diagnostics, as well as the percentage of body fat. In the case of the endurance, it is all about the Lactate threshold. This helps to assess the efficiency and especially with a personalized Training.

the aim of the Exercise is to push to its limits.

Depending on the sport it goes on the bike or on the treadmill. Also, since the photos and Videos are commonly distributed in the social media. To be included, but at the beginning of the test, if the pros can still smile. Since the goal of the Exercise is to push to its limits. Only then, the lactate level can be determined reliably.

The Test on the treadmill goes like this: three minutes thirty seconds of rest Jogging, then. After each cycle, the speed will be increased by 1.8 km/h. At the beginning of the short break taken for the analysis of the Finger blood. Using a heart rate monitor, the heart is controlled by frequency. Here, the following applies: as Long as the pulse rises, also the performance is increased. Is started at 7.2 km/h For an average 30-Year-old, the maximum speed of 15 km/h is regarded as “sufficient”. Comparison of the values of professional football players does not want to Cheerfully give for privacy reasons, price.

In the force range to be tested, among other things, jump, upper body strength and the ability to function of the musculoskeletal system. Important: The difference in performance between the right and left should not be more than 5 percent.

And how is the failure rate in the case of such a medical checks? “Non-existent. But a player has shortcomings, he will be in the next few weeks by the coaches harder,” says Cheerful. By then, the Smile passes to the professionals.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, 07:11 PM