“Left the dead chicken on the storbondens stair – sent out from ”the Farm””

“Paolo Roberto came with the news.”

“Maria Bjerkheden was thrown out from ”the Farm” after having put a dead chicken on the stairs to the storbondens residence, something that storbonden Mahsa Farajollahi experienced as a threat.”

“Now raging Maria over the production’s decision to send her home.”

“I was just damn tired,” she says to Nöjesbladet.”

“”the Farm”-the participant Maria Bjerkheden, 52, was thrown out from the program after having added a dead hen on the stairs to the storbonden Mahsa Farajollahis, 30, cottage, which, from the storbondens page was perceived as a threat. “

“” I have chickens myself and it is not a big deal that a hen dies. The question is what to do with it when it is so hot. On the farm you eat everything that moves and then has apparently Mahsa experienced this as a threat, ” Maria says to Nöjesbladet. “

“Maria describes it uproar occurs on the farm and that the production will take the other participants to the side to interrogate them about the situation. “

“When Paolo Roberto then shows up to talk with Maria, she understands that it is about the kill the chicken. “

“were Sent home by Paolo Roberto.”

“– He said that I was not allowed to be here because I was too hard on the other farmarna and showed no respect for the animals. When I was about to die. I can’t be bothered. Then I said, ”It is in any case not a horse head in someone’s bed”. He is Italian and should understand the get the point.”

“Mahsa says to Nöjesbladet, it is sad that Maria was sent out and that she would have had her remain in the program. “

“– Deep inside, I know that none of us believed or wanted something badly. However, there are limits on how people treat each other and, unfortunately, so burst it for her this time. I was very sad over the situation, felt threatened and offended and on the farm, I want to be able to feel safe, ” says Mahsa.”

“Mary, have today understood that Mahsa experienced it as a threat, even if she herself does not agree with. “

“I think she most perceive it as a threat that she was experiencing dead animals as disgusting, she is terrified of cats,” says Maria. “

“the Farm-Maria: ”Damn tired””

“You do not regret the dead chicken?”

” No, I do not. It is very rare that I regret things. Where else would I have put it?”

“– Nah right, I would put it in the sun? There were no cold anywhere, and Mahsa wanted to take all the decisions. She thought I had a problem to take orders but I did only as I was told.”

“How did it feel to leave the ”Farm”?”

” I was just damn tired. I had worked like a fucking animal and hoped it would appear. So this post will be incredibly disappointed because it looks like I will go and drag my legs after me. I was not interesting enough for production as I worked and kept your mouth shut.”

“do you Have any contact with Mahsa today?”

” You are not wise. Well I am her biggest hate-figures in addition to Göran. No, by god, we are from two different planets. I stand with my feet on the earth, and not a clean office.”

“Maria hint that it will continue to storm on ”the Farm”.”

“– You will get call other. It gets worse. It will be chaos.”