What is the meaning of the expression “in the next few weeks”? Are meant two, four, or even 16? Politically interested Scots to distribute currently dark Pub nights with these questions. The puzzle has triggered the Edinburgh Minister Nicola Sturgeon rates: “Within a few weeks,” will present the timetable for a second referendum on Scotland’s independence.

Ironically, a visit to Westminster, London’s government district, took the chair of the national party, SNP, to the surprising announcement. Although you knew already in advance that Sturgeon of your favorite projects not like. But in the house it is practical for weeks, only to exit from the EU and its consequences. The other Referendum, the endangered four years ago, even the existence of the United Kingdom, was hardly the speech.

As the nationalists in 2014 with 45:55 percent of honor were put under, they had pledged to respect the outcome in favour of the Union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. However, during the regional parliamentary elections two years later, Sturgeon said, the situation could change “if circumstances change”. And who would deny that the forthcoming Brexit is a revolution for the whole country?

again and again Sturgeon has pointed out that in June of 2016 two-thirds of Scots wanted to remain in the EU. According to surveys, this percentage has increased now to 70 per cent. The regional Parliament refused to the leave the EU law of the house of Commons is symbolic of the consent. In the autumn of the SNP party conference, demanded to, the United Kingdom, in order to avoid economic damage, at least in the EU internal market remain.

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to order at the same time the nationalists have advanced persistently their preparations for the longed-for independence. A party’s internal “Commission for a sustainable growth” in the past year, a 350-page report. The Economists discussed not the least of those problems, which had fallen to the nationalists in the 2014 campaign on the feet. The question of the future of the Scottish currency. Commission boss Andrew Wilson and his Team advise caution: The North of the British Isles should be at least maintained for ten years the pound, so an appendage of Britain. In contrast, intra-party stirs resistance.

such debates Are relevant? In the meantime, suggests that in spite of the Brexits little to indicate that the Scots independence, wanting to be closer. “The civic center has not changed their opinion,” says Scott Lavery from the University of Sheffield. The most famous interpreter of opinion polls, Professor John Curtice of Glasgow’s Strathclyde University, has the Figures at Hand: “The ratio of supporters of independence and opponents is about 45:55 percent” – more or less precisely the result of 2014.

Zealous activists refer to it, had that at the beginning of that campaign is little more than a third of Scots is known to be a Yes. With a little Persuasion, the turnaround is unlikely to succeed. However, the outgoing warns at the end of the SNP members of the European Parliament Alyn Smith against too great haste. Because of the uncertainty around the Brexit important questions about the independence are not cleared.

A date a proposal for a second Referendum of the 28. March – a day before the Brexit-the exit date

pushing Others to Act. The former SNP MP George Kerevan wants to vote this year, the Glaswegian socialist Tommy Sheridan called even a date: the 28. In March, a day before the Brexit-the exit date. Also Sturgeons predecessor in the party and the state, including the London Brexit sees problems as an opportunity for Scotland. There is “probably no better time than now,” says Alex Salmond.

However, the brilliant strategist, currently more serious problems. Last Thursday, the attorney’s office officially charges against Salmond. A total of 14 sexual offences against two women accused of the politicians, including two attempted rapes. The incidents related to his tenure as Prime Minister till 2014. “I am completely innocent,” said Salmond.

The way that the allegations by the Scottish government have been treated, has already led to massive tensions within the SNP. The process will add Salmonds party and its Raison d’être serious damage to hopes of the unionist “Daily Telegraph”.

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Sebastian Borger

. However, the supporters of independence had changed with her, for decades, been mocked concern now, “the Scottish and British politics irrevocably,” says Gerry Hassan of the University of Dundee.