16. august 2017 bought the Dutch storklubben Ajax trønderen Dennis Tørset Johnsen from Heerenveen.

Dagbladet get informed that the Norwegian U21-landslagsspilleren now loaned back to Heerenveen. Utlånsavtalen lasts out the season for the technically gifted kantspilleren.

Just the medical test remaining. It takes place in the morning at. 08.00.

it Goes in order, presented Dennis Johnsen, who Heerenveen player in the morning at. 09.00.

Heerenveen have indicated that trønderen to get much playing time in the club where Morten Thorsby has been one of the club’s most important players in several seasons before he recently went to Sampdoria.

Martin Ødegaard was on loan to Heerenveen last season. Nicolai Næss is the third Norwegian which has left the Dutch club during the last year.

Why did he leave Heerenveen in the summer of 2017

When 20-year-old signed for Ajax in 2017 from just Heerenveen, he was lured by the very flattering words from the legends Marc Overmars, now Ajax director, and Edwin van der Sar, ceo of Ajax.

TALENT: Dennis Johnsen is still in Ajax’ framtidsplaner, even if he is now loaned to Heerenveen. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

– It is very interesting to know that such legends have so much faith in me. They have said a lot of positive and I think can play me into the first team during the contract period of two-three years. That’s the goal, said Dennis Johnsen Dagbladet at the time.

– Why did you choose Ajax when you could have gotten to play for Heerenveens first team already now?

– It is true that they gave me indications that I would be focused on for the first team, but treningshverdagen in Ajax is a notch up. In addition, Overmars and co. said that they have great faith in me. Therefore, I said yes to the offer.

– in other words, if you’re thinking a bit the same as the Martin Ødegaard did when he chose Real Madrid, so in order to achieve the best possible treningshverdag?

– Yes, there is something of the same thing that Martin chose, but perhaps not as much as in Real Madrid. I have not talked so much with Martin about the transition, but I trust that I have his support, ” said kantspilleren.

” I have been received very well in Ajax and enjoys himself so far. It was hard to say no to such offers, although I got on well in Heerenveen.

Dennis Johnsen (19) are compared with Bergkamp and Grønkjær