The power struggle in Venezuela continues: interim President Guaidó called not allowed to leave the country. In addition, his accounts are frozen. The Supreme court has decided.

Venezuelan Supreme court of justice, a departure barrier against the self-proclaimed transitional President Juan Guaidó has imposed. The court froze in addition, the accounts of the opposition to the President of Parliament. The President Maikel Moreno told the court. Against Guaidó’ll be determined, because he had ripped illegally, the office of head of state, Nicolás Maduro. The court followed with its decision, a request of the Venezuelan attorney-General Tarek William Saab.

This had previously explained that the investigation had to do with the unrest, which it was, after Guaidó had declared last week, even the transitional President of Venezuela.

President Guaidó said he was aware of the risks, he was received with this step. But: “Venezuela is set to change and the world is obviously aware of what is happening.”

United States to keep Guaidó

The United States Guaidó allow access to certain accounts of Venezuela in the United States. He could have legal access to the property on certain accounts of the government of Venezuela or the Central Bank, it was said by the U.S. state Department. The USA see Guaidó as the legitimate President of the Latin American state.

on Monday, the US had imposed sanctions against the Oil sector of Venezuela. According to US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the U.S.-based companies are not allowed to shop for even Oil from Venezuela, the payments must be in blocked accounts. Venezuela depends, to some 90 per cent of the Oil revenues.

attorney General Saab calls for a travel ban and freezing for Guaidó.

“ruled Maduro as a dictator,”

Guaidó said in an Interview with the ARD, his appointment as interim President was coordinated with the United States. With a transitional government, he will quickly provide the Basis for free elections. “It was in the year 2018 no choice. The term of office of Nicolas Maduro is over. In this respect, he occupied the Land unlawfully and ruled as a dictator.”

elections of 20. May 2018, were Convinced that the international community is not democratic. Guaidó had agreed on Wednesday to interim President. He was only three weeks ago to the President of Parliament is elected. Within a short time, the politicians of the centre-left party Voluntad Popular was regarded as the voice of the opponents of the government.

said the investigation by the attorney General’s Guaidó, he see the risk of a detention. “This is nothing New. The only answer this regime of persecution and oppression.”