Hans Fredrik Grøvan is elected to the parliamentary leader Knut Arild Hareide, while and Geir Jørgen Retire is the deputy head of the stortingsgruppa. Both promise to do their utmost to avoid more trouble and unrest in the Sector after landsmøtesplittelsen.

– Grøvan, now KrFs party is led by you as the yellow representative and Geir Jørgen Retire as a red representative, if one is to use the terminology before the dramatic profile. A difficult starting point?

– No, I don’t think there is a problem, because we both have a common understanding of the situation. We must act, not only loyal, but be the unifying force for the policy of the christian democratic party has now lined up behind. I think it is deeply rooted in all of us together, although we have had different point of view initially when it comes to samarbeidsspørsmålet, says Hans Fredrik Grøvan.

Withdraws, rejects partisplittelse Not politically parked

Geir Jørgen Retire, which was one of Knut Arild Hareides strongest supporters in the struggle to bring the Progress into a partnership with the Labour party, told newspaper Dagbladet that he did not intend to hide away in the two and a half years that remain of the election period.

Telemarkingen has warned that he does not take re-election in 2021.

– It is important that we all in the entire Sector-the group now carried through all of the victories we have gained in the regjeringsplattformen. Here must all contribute. So I think that it may be good for the party that even if one were on the side of the lost veivalget, this does not mean that one is politically parked. You can still get important offices and positions of trust in the party, ” says Geir Jørgen Retire.

When I am being challenged both to become both a parliamentary deputy and leader of the health and omsorgskomiteen, so I think it is exciting tasks to accept. I hope that it can help to collect the party. Here is no avskiltet. That way must the party be thinking forward in important positions to be occupied. It’s not about blue or red. Now we need to make sure to work together, ” says Geir Jørgen Retire.

– He will enchant

His deputy chairman Kjell Britain Ropstad is not concerned that stortingsgruppa shall be managed by a gulrød duo.

CONFERENCE: Children and familieminister Kjell Britain Ropstad in conversation with Hans Fredrik Grøvan (t.h) and other Sector participants during the party’s landskonferanse at Gardermoen at the weekend. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix Show more

– I am confident that we will have a good dialogue with the entire stortingsgruppa. We are past that here with the red, blue and yellow. Now stopped all up on the platform that we should get the most attention for KrFs politics.

– Therefore, I am also glad that Knut Arild is so clearly a he will help to collect the party. He’s going to travel around to give talks and enthuse the party. I’m sure we’ll have a good cooperation, says the ministry of children and familieminister Kjell Britain Ropstad.

Faced with the silence

Day Harness, sentralstyremedlem in Progress and fylkesleder in Hordaland, has warned that he does not take re-election to any of the tillitsvervene after the party chose to go into the Solberg-government. In Our Country today is Dairy highly critical of how Knut Arild Hareide is processed.

“First signalled Knut Arild that he wanted to continue. As was his wish met with public silence from some and direct opposition from others. I can easily imagine that it has helped to create a difficult situation for him,” says Day Harness to Our Country.

And continue:

“This is very regrettable for the unification of the party, for the experience that different views are well represented in all stages. Here one has missed an important opportunity to contribute to the collection in the Sector after retningsvalget.”

Grøvan did not want

Hans Fredrik Grøvan disagree with the criticism from the sentralstyremedlem Day Harness:

– Knut Arild has not been treated bad. On the contrary. We have several times in this process, and tried to persuade him to continue as a parliamentary leader. Because we believe that it would have been the best solution. I had absolutely no desire to be the parliamentary leader, and had to really pause for thought as this was an option, ” says Grøvan.

CHANGED: Knut Arild Hareides time as party leader, the parliamentary leader and sentralstyremedlem in Progress is over. Now entrust him the management of the stortingsgruppa to Hans Fredrik Grøvan. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix Show more

He did not think that Knut Arild Hareide would resign.

– Because Knut Arild was set by the nomination committee, and a unanimous party placed considerable pressure to get him to accept that choice. So I hear what he says now, that he is become a little more in doubt after he previously went out and launched it as a solution, ” says Grøvan.


The new parliamentary leader points out that he does not believe the decision to Hareide primarily talked about his opposition to regjeringsprosjektet.

– More that he finds it challenging in relation to their role, to be førstekjemperen in the parliamentary assembly room to lose through government policies. I think that Knut Arild would handled it in an excellent way, but we must have respect for the feelings and experiences he has in this. Therefore, we had to finally just take Knut arild’s decision to intelligence and find another solution.

– This means that Hareide also is out of the KrFs sentralstyre…?

– Yes, it is he. But Knut Arild sitting in gruppestyret our in Parliament. He will still be a great resource for This with all his experience and expertise. I think we will see a lot to Knut Arild also after that he goes by as a parliamentary leader, says Hans Fredrik Grøvan.

Not me

Knut Arild Hareide discussed in the face of the Newspaper in the morning why he resigned as parliamentary leader.

– It was I who said to His voters that we should not in government with the progress party. I think everyone will see that it would have been difficult to defend just such a government, ” says Hareide.

His heir as the leader of the KrFs’s parliamentary group, Hans Fredrik Grøvan, have faith in several political victories.

” I believe that the regjeringsplattformen, which we have signed agreement with three other parties, also is a basis for the policies we will pursue. We should bravely face it that is the typical Progress from the stortingsgruppas page. We can’t put it away. It is our primary mandate, ” he says.

– I think that with the clear KrF-gjennomslagene of the platform shall there be much good and visible Progress-the politics out of it. We all want to feel obligated on that basis, ” says Hans Fredrik Grøvan.