Mr Wiesendahl, the SPD wanted to delete the paragraph 219a. Now the Grand coalition has found a compromise to get the section in the criminal code. A defeat for the social Democrats?

dealing with 219a is, again, an example of a completely verkopfte decision of the social Democrats. The SPD has neither their electorate in the view still shows them attitude. You as a government party to a compromise that would harm her. The SPD is neither sovereign nor straightforward.

The SPD would have to show harder? Perhaps even uncompromisingly?

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do not order Uncompromising. The social Democrats think for themselves, but for each topic, the compromise immediately – instead of asking: What do we want? You believe that if you work through the topic 219a clean only, then that is an advantage for you. But this is a blatant miscalculation.

there Was an error in the SPD, to establish the maximum demand for the abolition of 219a?

The SPD has mostly failed, a campaign for the issue. In the Bundestag there is a majority in favour of the deletion of the 219a. The SPD should make clear to the Public that the Union is isolated in this issue. Instead, the social Democrats in the trade the back room for a compromise – and then you think, to the voters of the points. This is the eternal suffering of the SPD in the government.

Elmar Wiesendahl (74) is a political scientist and party researchers. Since 2010 he is head of the Agency for political strategy in…photo: picture alliance/dpa/Ulrich Perr

it Would have been better to hang the subject of nothing at all so high?

I would not say That. The deletion of 219a is still a classic women’s issue of self-determination. In this respect, it has a high symbolic significance. It’s the typical attitude is the theme. However, in attitude questions, one must not bend as a party. It is a gross error to believe that this is a fundamental women’s issue could be a bad compromise, just like that.

Has lost the SPD, the sense of their tribal voters?

The SPD is now unsettled, so much so that you don’t know who they actually. She has lost even their tribal voters from the eyes. The social Democrats are not in an interior, such as strategic Blockade, because they know how to get back a point.

What is a way out of this would be?

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debate Section 219a of the Catholic Church and sentenced a Doctor to criticize compromise

In any case, the way in the Opposition. The SPD would have to fundamentally ask: For whom do we actually make policy? People who choose SPD, want to see their interests represented. The social Democrats need to re-learn how to fight for a certain clientele. Then you can convince back to voters – and to win.