the Federal government and the Federal employment Agency want to in the future promote the Integration of refugee women into society through paid employment. To signed the project under the Minister of state for Migration, refugees, Annette Widmann-Mauz, as well as the Chairman of the Board of the Federal employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, on the edge of the job market for Refugees and foreign job-seekers an agreement. If women and girls were in their countries of origin, especially confirmation of their role as wife and mother, could be motivated, this would serve as your own language acquisition and the Integration of the children, for example, if they were, meanwhile, sent in the Kita. Also, the Transition from school to work should be improved. In addition, more EU-workers via Social Media channels. .

The fourth and largest European-wide job fair for immigrants was on Monday in the neukoelln Hotel Estrel for the first time, to job seekers from the EU and third countries. 11. February there will be a “European Online Job Day” together with the “European Employment Services”, said Matthias Loke of the regional Directorate of Berlin-Brandenburg. On the stock exchange 180 companies and education and training stood carrier 4000 expected visitors.

Currently, the Federal 300 000 Employees and 70 000 “mini-jobbers”, in which, due to their countries of origin, it is assumed that they are Refugees. The majority are men, about half of works in helper-Jobs. Since settings is not detected, whether someone has fled or not, is one Employed by the Federal employment Agency for their statistics, passports or residency papers with the indication of origin in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Syria have, as well as the one without papers to come from these countries. On the sidelines of the stock market has been described, that it is often difficult to job centre services comprehensively provided Refugees for minimum wage activities to win.

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situation of Refugees Refugees make rapid progress in language and work

Andrea Dernbach

Some of the Tolerated something urgently needed to be allowed to remain, without being able to speak after years in the country enough English, or qualifications. In the country of origin of highly qualified would like to do unskilled labor jobs. And Motivated failed due to the bureaucracy. In Germany, two-thirds of the Refugees jobcenter services.

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