“The employment service is expected to lay off thousands of employees”

“the employment service is expected to lay off 3,400 employees in the coming days, according to information to Dagens Industri.”

“According to the newspaper, it was M’s and KD’s budgetreservation that was the triggering factor.”

“the employment service is expected to lay off thousands of people during the coming time, according to the sources of Today’s Industry and Today’s News.”

“in the Past it has been the talk of around 2 200-2 400 people, according to newspaper sources is expected to far more affected.”

“DN writes that the scenario where more than 4 000 given that the public Employment service’s director-general Mikael Sjöberg warned after Mu002FKD budget can be realized on the next morning.”

“According to DI’s sources, it about 3 400 employees as may be notified tomorrow. Other sources to the newspaper say that it can be fewer, and that the news is expected to come in the next few days.”

“It was the Conservatives and the christian democrat budgetreservation that was the trigger, according to the newspaper.”

“at the same time, the government has decided to withdraw a part of the miljardbesparing which was released forward in the deployment.”

“In budgetreservationen reduced förvaltningsanslaget with 900 million, and there was a decrease of sek 2.7 billion to the program and efforts, writes DI.”