Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have divided the Western Internet. Who tried, to dispense entirely with the services of these five companies has a difficult task in front of you. Especially Amazon is to be avoided by his daughter “aws”. the Michael Moorstedt

they are known as the terrible Five. What sounds like a gang of Western crooks is faithful in truth a group of more-or-less law, more or less tax-paying companies. You mean Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. As good as every human being uses one of their products, and together they have a market of a couple of trillion dollars. There’s a fear and worry.

for reasons such as these has decided the Tech-journalist Kashmir Hill in the past few weeks to a month without their services. Possible, the should be blocked make a custom built Virtual Private Network, all the IP addresses that are owned by the corporations. More than 23 million, it was at the end of alone at Amazon. In the course of a week, Hills devices and programs to more than 300 try 000 Times, on the Server of the company.

Digital abstinence used to be easier

a New such abstinence-only experiments are not, of course. A few years ago there was a whole series of books, whose authors had lived for weeks or months without Internet and started writing about it (and then in talk shows were invited). At that time, the network was like today, everything overlapping fourth Dimension, but rather a parallel to the real course of life, sphere, and accordingly, the unspectacular, the asceticism was then. A little bit of what you missed out on networks, a little loss of comfort, less social pressure and self-made Stress.

What is the meaning of Hills Experiment? Only the visible of date for most users, only perceived power structures and dependencies? Reasons for a Boycott, it would be to satisfy: the hunger for Data of the groups, with their windy shops, which of them, at least, of the causes, the eighth in the corrosion of the political Public. Hills question is a different one. Namely, whether a life without AC is possible, but whether you can use it without the big Five.

Actually, it should not be too heavy, despite the Blockade, so to live as in the past. Alternative search engines, Shopping portals, E-Mail service providers, and even navigation software and social networks, there are enough. More difficult is to find a Smartphone that runs with Software from Apple or Google. The Alternatives are just as commercial and data-hungry as the offers of the monopolists, of idealists operated, the dream of another, better network. Common have these deals, especially that they are used by hardly anyone.

not Fail for the sake of convenience

these are just the main portals to avoid it. But rather the invisible strands, with which the Tech companies have already become inextricably intertwined with the substance of the Internet. Also, anyone who reads this online, is tracked by means of the Social Buttons of Facebook, even if he is not logged in.

the same applies to Google. In the case of Amazon it is not, however, the 24-hour delivery service, which is missing most of the Server and the computing power of the subsidiary AWS, which provide quasi for a variety of Websites and services online are missing. The list of customers reads like a Who’s who of the indices and the market leader. Anyone who gives up on Amazon, so the lesson is, dispensed not only on the Internet, but to the world. For professionals, First-world residents to take such a Boycott an extent, against any Form of analog asceticism as half-cocked healing effect of fasting.

At the end of the test phase, Hill admits the time being, you Fail. Not only because your attempt is from a technical point of view, as good as impossible. But also, and mainly, because it is too convenient to pass on all the benefits granted to the life under the thumb of the terrible Five.