– 24 children were boligplaceret along with their adult spouses.

– A 13-year-old was accommodated together with the cousin, she was married and became pregnant.

– A 16-year-old girl was killed by her 38-year-old man. She had bl.a. spoken by a contemporary boy in detention centre provided.

so begins the big Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet wrote an article about barnebrude, and should you believe the comments that are written on the newspaper’s Facebook page, so it’s not a good idea to have married couples where one party is under 18 years of age, in the same place:

– Scary which lorteland we live in , writes Magnus P and Johan L writes:

– It is something bad to fiolk with stenalderkultur marry mindreåriger.

– It might work in Afghanistan, but not in Sweden, writes Johan.

the Cases have prompted the Swedish government to put the time in a lovgivningarbejde, that will make it possible to nullify the marriages entered into abroad, where one party is under 18 years of age.

And looking at the outcome of the vote, as 7589 readers took part in the go about barnebrude on the Danish asylum centers. Here thought 5584 namely, that married couples where one party is under 18 years of age, must not be allowed to stay together at a Danish asylum centre. And it considers several swedes also:

– This is serious.

– Goes against everything about children’s rights that we stand for.

– And goes against women’s rights, democracy , writes Maria R, but what do you mean?