Italy the migrants on the reddingsschip Sea Watch 3 as soon as possible of medications, food and drink. That has the European Court of Human Rights (ECTHR) tonight to decide. The ship of the German ngo Sea Watch, which is under the Dutch flag, picked up on January 19, 47 migrants in Libya and searches since then to a port where it can dock. Malta and Italy refuse the ship, however, the access.

Sea Watch had filed a complaint with the ECTHR in which the ngo inter alia, stated that the migrants on board with health camps. The organization demanded that the migrants of the ship were allowed to leave, but it was the ECTHR is ultimately not in.

Read also Berlusconi calls for migrants English reddingsschip to land in Sicily

Earlier today, said the Italian Interior minister, Matteo Salvini that the 47 migrants only in Italy country be allowed to go if they then immediately be transferred to the Netherlands or Germany. “In Italy we have too many migrants are welcomed, and there is already too much money spent,” said the far-right politician.