the 92-year-old Einer Flintrup have cleared nyhedsfladen with his struggle to get the care home place, which he has been denied by the Municipality, despite the fact that he is lonely, nearly blind, and basically can not do themselves.

the Policy of the Lonely, left behind and almost blind: Einer is deeply unhappy

But after he on Sunday, was admitted to the hospital, there is at least someone who fits on him around the clock.

He was taken to hospital, after a family assistant found him helpless in his home, writes Helsingør Dagblad.

– Hjemmehjælperen was at home, and saw my father lie in the apathetic state that could not do something themselves. She was troubled and called the akutsygeplejersken. My sister was called up and was told that they would like to admit him. There, he was almost unable to go or anything, tells his son, Jan Flintrup, to Ekstra Bladet.

Before Einer Flintrup was admitted, he was practically transported back to that just to sit in his chair and listen to his tv all day. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan.

a Message from the hospital was that Einer Flintrup have untreated diabetes. Usually should blood sugar be between four to seven mmol/L, but Einer Flintrups had been measured at 41.

– He has got treatment, that has been put væskedrop, and he has been insulin, says Jan Flintrup.

After having been hospitalized for two days Einer Flintrups mode fortunately better.

– He is conscious, and he has gotten gasoline on the engine – that is, he has been given fluids, he gets insulin every day and that kind of thing, so I will not say that he is fresh, but he is ready.

Community – 21. jan. 2019 – at. 20:51 92-year-old Einer may not get in nursing homes: Threats sent with a pie

Before Einer Flintrup was admitted, he woke up at night with dry throat and was afraid that he could not breathe. He also had problems with constantly having to pee, and then he had nearly lost the sight completely.

– the Symptoms of diabetes is dryness in the mouth, very water drainage, fatigue, lethargy, and all the symptoms that my dad had. It is in the reports, that he feels that he has the fungus in the throat, he is very tired and sleeps all the time, tells Jan Flintrup.

Symptoms of diabetes

The classic symptoms are:


Frequent urination


Decreased appetite and weight loss

Itching around the genital organs

Infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

for type, 1 diabetes develop symptoms over days to a few weeks. In type 2 diabetes increases the most over the long course – up to ten years, where there are no symptoms.

It worries son, there is someone who has put two and two together and checked whether his father had diabetes before now.

– We can not make diagnoses, but we wonder that there are all these characters, and that the professional has made the diagnosis a long time ago, he says.

– do you Have confidence that your dad gets the right treatment now?

– Yes, I have. The hospital is absolutely amazing, and he is so happy that there is someone who fits on him. He has been and been scared.

In these weeks, Helsingør Municipality to re-evaluate whether Einer Flintrup must have fulfilled his desire for a place in a nursing home. For good two weeks ago the municipality was on the visitationsbesøg, and now must Elsinore visitationsudvalg take a position on Einer Flintrup meet the requirements to get on the nursing home.

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Community – 16. jan. 2019 – at. 13:56 Einer may not get in nursing homes: Now gets his case taken up again