Meanwhile, the family of the 28-year-old striker Emiliano Sala gathers money to resume the search after increasing the argentinian, as is the reality by hitting the involved clubs.

For while it is, of course, be provided over Sala, who disappeared in a plane over The English Channel, so the two clubs Cardiff and Nantes now have to keep track of the business.

the Sala was on the way to Cardiff, as he had just been bought by 130 million dollars, when he disappeared.

According to The Telegraph, Cardiff has chosen to cancel their first payment of 45 million dollars. At the same time, considering the Premier League club its options in relation to the lawsuit about negligence on the part of Nantes’ page.

at the same time the Bordeaux announced his arrival in the negotiations. Ligue 1-the club has the right to half of the sales-related. This is due to a clause in the trade that sent Sala to Nantes in 2015.

Bordeaux has, according to the Presse Océan claimed their part of the 45 million kroner, which Cardiff will not pay. But the club has since, in an official press release stated that you don’t have any money and therefore not have made any objection.

Klubpræsident in Nantes Waldemar Kita has not wanted to think in the economy yet.

– I will not talk about money, while this dramatic situation still is in progress. We are looking at it a other day, he says, according to AS.

Kita has even donated $ 45,000 to the family search.

Who has the right to the money depends on whether all three parties have signed the agreement. It tells the expert in the sportslovgivning , Thierry Granturco.

– in Order that a contract may be valid, the transfer must be registered in the FIFA Transfer Matching System..

Premier League – 26. jan. 2019 – at. 13:56 Messages published: How to ended rekordkøb in missing plane