the Government is responsive to the Social democrats and the Danish people’s desire to adopt a differentiated state pension.

This writes the news agency Ritzau.

– the Social democrats have put forward some principles, which aim to make everybody happy, but which has a little difficult to hang together in the real world.

Denmark is not there today, where we can look back 40 years and to identify people’s working lives.

– So to make a lens system is very difficult. But if the parties have some specific suggestions, so we would like to listen, ” says Lars Løkke, who shall convene meetings with the political parties on the proposal.

Get the main points in Mette F’s proposal analyzed by an Extra Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, here. Video/editing: Ritzau/Kristian Hansen

the Danish policy – 22. jan. 2019 – at. 11:06 Mette’s plan: Banks must pay nedslidtes pension

Earlier on Tuesday, reported the Danish people’s Party, that they support the Democratic plan. And whether there will be a blue majority after the election.

– I’m going in the first place after getting forligspartierne total. It can’t be done, I am prepared to go along with the parties, who will be talking about it here, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl to DR.

– If the parties who stand behind a political understanding, also has a majority after an election, it is the policy being implemented, says DF-president Kristian Thulesen Dahl.

Mette Frederiksen and Social democrats presented a week page seven principles, which should make it easier for the destitute to be able to withdraw from the labour market before their planned retirement age.