Andreas Scheuer has one of the most important Jobs in the country. Even more disturbing is how he makes policy, regardless of facts. The limits he wants to be the bad air adjust, not the other way around.

comment by Markus Balser Markus Balser

Markus Balser came in 2001 to the süddeutsche Zeitung. He is a graduate of the Cologne school of journalism and a diploma in Economics and was first in the economy editorial office in Munich. In 2013, he went to Berlin and reported from there on energy and environmental issues. At the beginning of 2016, he joined the parliamentary team and takes care of to transport and agricultural policies, as well as to the Deutsche Bahn. In 2007, Balser was Nannen, together with Klaus Ott and Hans Leyendecker for the research to the Siemens bribe scandal with the Henri award. In 2008, he was a scholarship holder of the Arthur F. Burns fellowship, a guest editor of the Wall Street Journal in New York.

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from the looks of it follow that if a government makes, regardless of the facts of the policy? The Federal Ministry of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) at the top delivered in the last days an example of this. First, Scheuer said, the debate about limit values are exceeded in case of bad air in Germany for the “masochistic”, he now wants to adjust the limits to the bad air, and not Vice versa. Then the Train struck his Ministry officials to meet with the displeasure of the customers about the delays in train with higher prices. It’s about two different topics, this is the same Problem, however: In a threatening way, Scheuers house away from a facts-based attitude. The policy, which fit into the Grid of their own thinking.

this is Particularly evident in the discussion of the air pollution. The CSU Minister ignored the criticism from the lung doctors at the supposedly strict limits a minority is opinion. New polls show that the majority of experts consider the recommendation of the world health organization for oxides of nitrogen for a completely reasonable – and thus also the German limit values. The fine dust which experts claim, to tighten the limit values for the protection of the population.

scientists make requirements in question, is one of your very own task. Not opinions off the majority of the Problem, but instead of dealing with them. The object of the policy is to weight the positions and decide then. In the case of the limits that went wrong. Scheuer made no Hesitation in the welcome Position of Doctors to be headed by former Daimler engine developer Thomas Koch; wrote also studies on behalf of the Ministry. Scheuer wants to remind this week, the consequences for the whole of Europe. The state-of-the science speaks a different language, not objecting to the Minister. On Monday Scheuer described the requirements for clean air as arbitrary.

A Ministry out of control – the Manifestation of Enak Ferlemann, Secretary of state, and train representative of the Federal government speaks. He advised the high debt and Tardiness-ridden track on Sunday to combat the problems with higher prices and promotions to be abolished. That these make up only ten percent of the Tickets that the railway would have to rise prices in order to utopian 50 percent, to achieve the desired effect, was calculated in the Ministry. That the government would target crashing, the climate-friendly train, not to double traffic in the coming years, probably.

professionals who see such initiatives is critical, it is the Ministry actually. However, the Ministry of the top over acted last on the experts in-house. The most recent development is of great concern, because the Ministry of transport has one of the most important tasks in the country. The mobility needs to change in the next few years. Cars and Trucks will need to clean, the traffic from road to Rail shift. It needs a leadership that solves problems instead of creating new ones.