– To give the peace prize to the Un høykomissær will be an important contribution to stability and peace, says the socialist left long-time member of parliament Karin Andersen, to the Newspaper.

Together with the party leader Audun Lysbakken and several other PARTY representatives, she has nominated Un høykomissær for refugees to the Nobel peace prize for 2019.

Five years in a row have the party representatives have been among those who have nominated nobel laureate. Andersen hopes that the same will happen this year.

She got even tell about the nomination when she received the Un høykomissær for refugees Filippo Grandi in Parliament today. The Italian took over in 2015 as høykomissær after Antonio Guterres, as today is the Un secretary-general.

Growing problem

– somewhere between 68 and 70 million people are refugees or internally displaced persons in the world today. The problem is growing, and there is a negative development in many western countries. European leaders are running now about the cape to radbrekke its international obligations, ” says Andersen.

She believes the Un’s work for refugees is helping to make the world safer.

– to say no To accepting refugees is a contribution to the further destabilization in parts of the world that is already characterized by instability and conflicts, ” she says.

the Government has in Granavolden declaration passed in order to maintain the number of kvoteflyktninger at 3 000 a year – which is above the level from when the present coalition ruled.

– It is well and good, but the number of asylum seekers goes down, so in total there will fewer to Norway. In addition, should the Uk have embraced the 5 000 kvoteflyktinger – so the UN is asking for, ” says Andersen.

– Realistic prize winner

Director Henrik Urdal at the fredsforskningsinstituttet PRIO believe the nobel peace prize for this year fast can go to individuals or organizations that work with flyktningspørsmål.

Immigrants get jobs in the Norway, they are “taking” them is not a Writer

– A price that puts flyktningspørsmålet on the agenda may both be reasonable and probable. Regardless of political viewpoint, it is agreed that the flyktningsituasjonen is one of the biggest challenges that the world faces today, he says to Dagbladet.

Un høykomissær for refugees has been awarded the Nobel peace prize twice before, in 1954 and in 1981. But it does not make the price less relevant, think Karin Andersen.

– We are going to have to deal with the refugee flows without creating new conflicts. In the coming years we can expect an increase in the number of climate refugees, in addition to those who flee from war and conflict. To give the peace prize to the Un office of the high commissioner will be a clear signal that the biggest challenges that the world is facing, must be resolved in the community, ” she says.

There are strict criteria to be able to suggest prize laureates, and the deadline for nominating candidates expires at midnight 31. January of each year.