You have not seen for a long time in the conciliation Committee. The panel aims to clarify conflicts between the Bundestag and the Federal Council, convened in December 2016, last. And in the years before there were only a few occasions. The reason is that The party system has become more colorful, country, day, and also of the Bundestag are much more colored, the coalition landscape has expanded very. The compromise in the conciliation procedure, once is classically between the Union and the SPD, more difficult. As a substitute, outside of the Constitution, were the regular “summit” of the Chancellor office of the Federal Cabinet, with the Prime Ministers ‘ conference. The Bundestag was in the shade. And some in the great Parliament in Berlin, senses ever since, with a vengeance.

That you need to know, to understand, why it comes on Wednesday evening in the Bundesrat to what may be rather frosty fresh start in the conciliation Board. Sixteen members of the Bundestag will meet on sixteen country representatives, mostly heads of government. The presidency-the Federal health Minister Hermann Gröhe. Be a balancing character could be important. Because the Committee has to solve a genuine constitutional conflict, one of the most violent of recent years. The occasion of the digital Pact for the schools is not in the thing but it’s nothing to do with him. Two years ago he has been of the Ministers of education in the Federation and the länder agreed, but the then Federal government made him Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) on ice. In addition, concerns emerged on the Federal side, if the Federal program for the digitalization of schools, for a total amount of five billion euros can be implemented for several years without basic change in the law, as originally intended. The money flows in, as a rule, on the countries and the municipalities, the school carrier. To make such a grant possible, has been added to the article 104c of the basic law of the Federal government a little. In the Bundesrat there was Gegrummele, but the thing seemed to be on the way.

hour of the Bundestag

but the hour of the Bundestag came. Especially powerful budgetary politicians of the coalition and Eckhardt Rehberg (CDU) and Carsten Schneider (SPD) had for a long time, the countries of tighter terms and conditions to impose, if Federal funds for their own tasks. More control rights, such as the Federal court had suppressed the countries as soon as 2017. In the previous November, now, a passage in the law of the digital Pact is to be implemented, in the countries for future financial support, a half of co-financing (to be more precise: their own additional funds in the amount of 50 per cent in the corresponding Einzeletat) is required came at the Urging of the budget Committee. All countries have 14. December in the Bundesrat rejected, especially the financially weaker see themselves in a position to provide such high level of self-services.

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But the Federal government of the countries may be requested to Supplement its financial aid “in each of at least the same amount by the land for the investment”? So the formulation in the draft. The answer of the Berlin state rights activist Ulrich baptistery is: He’s not allowed to. In a report for the Brandenburg state Chancellery, he writes, such a scheme was a “serious, anti-constitutional intervention in the budgetary decision-making freedom of the country”. This should be able to perform their duties “without the guardianship and de facto control by the Federal government”.

Yet more impositions

But there were still more imposing, at least from the point of view of the strong countries Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, and Saxony joined. As in the Bundestag for an amendment to the basic law, the votes of the coalition are not enough because of the two-thirds quorum, had to be brought to the Greens and the FDP into the boat. Christian Lindner’s party, recently centralist prepared than in the past, brought with it a formulation in the law, not infuriated, most recently, the green Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann. Because of the fact that the Federal government should be able to give the countries the future “to the position of the quality and efficiency of education financial aid for a total state-significant investments”, the Stuttgart-based head of government of an illegal, Yes, dangerous intervention in the culture sovereignty of the countries and a frontal attack on federalism. Although it is not to see all the colleagues in the Federal Council so dramatic, but against the strong countries, it would be difficult, this Amendment to the Constitution to enforce.

Kretschmann’s green Bundestag force, in turn, their most popular national politician was upset with the requirement that the Federal financial aid not only for investment but also for “associated direct costs of the countries and communities” to give. The aims, resulting in the Federal government’s Green-make no secret, also on the Finance staff. But that is not exceeded only for Baden-Württemberg is a red line, because the Federal aid must be temporary and in the course of time decrease the funded personnel.

a compromise is possible?

from the complex situation a compromise can be achieved without the parties Involved to lose face, is completely open. Most likely, the FDP could be collected on-line, the Free Democrats have the weakest blade in the round. But the householder of the Bundestag and the strong countries, which form, in fact, an unexplained Alliance against the weaker countries, which are primarily of financial aid is located, are a stronger Block. The suggestion to flip the half of the co-financing and to swallow the Rest of the impositions, as it aspire to some of the North-German Minister, is not likely to be so easy. If you can agree on the proposal of Kretschmann, the amendment to the basic law and to resolve the matter via tax redistribution office voluntary state contract for the purposes of the commitment, is open. The state law showing a recommends in its opinion: “Even more convincing is a solution, in which the countries receive through an adjustment to the tax distribution, an adequate financial Aussatt7ng is, in order to fulfil the tasks assigned to them independently.”

More about

Federal Council digital Pact Yes, the basic law, amendment no.

Albert radio

On Wednesday at 18 clock we go. You want to have a long General debate. As it is, should be a working group formed. The goal is to 15. To create a February agreement.