With emotions outside on the clothes, torches in hand, and the left went up against 300 angry danes to attack against lokalpolitikerne in Frederiksberg town Hall.

A majority on the town hall is gone to sell the three properties, Peter Bangs House, Svalegården and The Victorian City to the infamous and reviled american private equity fund Blackstone.

Udskældt private equity fund

The u.s. private equity fund Blackstone has several times been accused for having used tax havens.

Blackstone has acquired a large number of properties in Copenhagen.

According to the Berlingskes mapping is the number more than 140 properties, and the value of the portfolio is believed to be close to ten billion. crowns.

Blackstone is working with the Danish firm 360 North – where Nils Jansson, who was known during the financial crisis, is investeringsdirektør in, and as his minor daughters of the owner.

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But a deed from 1932 shows that the residents actually have the first option to buy the apartments that they have leased. The problem is just that the politicians have never asked them. Or as beboerformanden, Søren Berg, put it on the town hall square:

– We will hear the politicians, why they would rather help the Men rather than to their own citizens, said Søren Berg to the big applause.

for several months, residents have tried to cancel the deal, which was concluded between Frederiksberg Boligfond and Blackstone.

on Monday evening, may the politicians go to meet at the town hall, accompanied by slagsangene ‘They must out They must out’, ’the Municipality of baker rævekager’ and ‘skødefuskeri, it is luskeri’.

the Residents had brought with them burning torches and baked rævekager to show their displeasure. Under protestsangene was the curtains rolled for at the town hall.

Rikke Procida from The southern Jutland town can’t understand how the politicians could let the sale happen. – It is good that we have raised them up. I feel let down by politicians, and they are just sitting behind closed doors, without hearing anything from them, she says with the banner in hand.

the Municipality failed to purchase the properties to the favorable price as the deed stated, and to have renounced the tenants their right of first refusal, to the municipality got a anvisningsret to 25 percent of the small apartments. Lawyers are examining how the right of first refusal in the deed make available to residents.

Joakim Johansen, who is on sick leave crane operator, had taken the deed from 1932. Here it says that tenants can purchase the property at a revaluated price.

the Meetings, where politicians have discussed and approved the sale of the properties to Blackstone, takes place in secret on the so-called magistratsmøder. That is why the tenants in the three properties first seriously entered the field after the sale was approved.

the Bearings are just now starting to investigate whether they can form a housing cooperative and buy their apartments for the same price as the Blackstone. But it is almost impossible for most, as the price becomes too high. Teacher at Duevejen School, Laila Mortensen, has spoken with the bank to borrow money, but it will mean that her family is going to sit very tightly in it.

– If I as a teacher at Frederiksberg’t afford to stay here, so I think, that the municipality has a serious problem, she says.

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school Teacher Laila Mortensen will find it difficult to buy the apartment as a cooperative. With a loan she will sit with a rent of almost 18.000 dollars, she has figured out. It is too expensive for her teacher salary and her boyfriend, who is a craftsman.

Førtidspensionist Jeanne Konradsen and her son, Tim Hermann, who lives in The south Jutland Town, was taken to the mini-demo, above that shelf håndboldherrerne. – I think politicians are some narhatte, which has kept the entire process a secret. I do not understand, that they will let the american bandits come in and take over. I have almost my entire family in The southern Jutland Town. But if the rent increases, so it is over to stay there, said Jeanne Konradsen.

Several of the residents felt left in the lurch by the politicians.

During the question hour, was filled in the stands. As beboerformanden, Søren Berg, asked questions, cheered and applauded the citizens. It was the mayor Jørgen Glenthøj (C) highly dissatisfied with. He failed even to answer the questions, who among other things went on, whether it was a sound financial deal, the municipality gave up as large values, and when the politicians became aware of the deed.

instead he sent the chairman of the housing and ejendomsudvalget, Nikolaj Bøgh, answer the questions. As William Blake said, that it was important for The Conservatives to maintain a mixed city, spread a laughter from the spectators. It was, yet again, the conservative mayor to stand up and educate the citizens in order the regulations by kommunalbestyrelsesmøder.

In the Adventures municipal council there are 25 members. 11 of them are conservative.

Councilman Balder Mørk Andersen from SF told, that he was strong dissatisfaction with the way the municipality had to keep the case on. He mentioned that it was incredibly annoying, that the municipality’s right-hand man, the mayor, not even took the responsibility to answer questions.

the Chairman of Frederiksberg Boligfond, Flemming Brank, who also is chairman of the conservative party, came in and sat at the mayor’s right hand, after the questions were over. He has previously said that the fund does not have a social responsibility, although on the fund’s website says that there must not seek commercial profit – also called boligspekulation.

Frederiksberg Boligfond, who have sold the properties, is in massive economic trouble. P1 Orientation be able to tell whether inappropriate swaplån before the financial crisis, has made, that the fund’s debt is on a half a billion dollars, it appears by the accounts from 2017.

Beboerformand Søren Berg got after the questions confirmed his assumption.

– Politicians have not understood, it is the responsibility of Frederiksberg Boligfond have. It says in the statute that the fund must cooperate with the municipality. On the other hand, say the politicians, that it is a trader fund. The mismatch is the reason we are here now. I don’t think the local council have understood, what it here with the right of first refusal meant. So we convince them through a trial, he says.

He is right now in the process of ensuring that residents have insurance to be able to run an application against Frederiksberg Boligfond.

– We are in full swing, and we have a really good plan. There are a lot of legal ‘fikumdik’, but we expect to be able to win the case. If we don’t win, then we get again tilbudspligten to buy apartments, because the sale stops, he says to Ekstra Bladet.