It was in the autumn of 2017, which the woman operated upon for cataracts at Sunderby hospital. At a return visit, it was discovered that she had linsrester left in the eye, and attempted on repeated occasions to remove the remains without results. A decision was taken that the new lens would be inserted, even it is a complicated surgery that was not successful. After a further operation in the beginning of January 2018 worsened the eye and the woman lost sight.

at the Sunderby hospital sharp criticism from the Inspectorate for health and social care, Ivo for not having sent the woman to the district hospital. Ivo writes that it considers the treatment to be unscientific, since an early major surgery at the university Hospital in Umeå, in all probability, had given a good result. It is now possible to completely surgically remove the woman’s damaged eye.

” the Incident is deeply regrettable, and we think Ivos criticism is completely reasonable. We have had the opportunity to speak but can only say that we regret the incident and hope that it will not happen again, ” says Kerstin Beach, vårdchef at Sunderby hospital.

the Clinic have also criticised the to have been lacking in the information to the woman and not have used an interpreter during the visits. The woman writes in his notification to the Ivo that she is not in agreement with what the various measures are meant, and that she feel very bad over what has happened.

– Just like it says in the decision you need to be careful to assess the need of an interpreter which we have not succeeded with this. It is a pity.

– It is impossible to go back to see what happened during the surgery so it is difficult to know what you could have done differently. What we take with us from this event is that it is important with information and communication, and that you follow the rules and guidelines in all contact with our patients.