At the state election to fight in the East, a brutal pace of the AfD is to be expected. Here, the right-wing populists verbally are often even more aggressive than in the West, the demarcation of right-wing extremists appears to be full of holes. What is in store for the CDU, SPD, Green, FDP and Left, already on the basis of the opinion of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) to the AfD guess. The news service has classified the party as a test case, and the associations of Young Alternative and “wings” as a case of suspicion, due in considerable part on Material from Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. It speaks for itself, that of the Thuringian AfD-Chef Björn Höcke mentioned more than 600 Times in the paper as often as no other party functionary. Höcke not only leads to the Thuringian AfD-Association, he is also the “wing” of the authoritative figure.

The BfV writes, when “wings” to Höcke heavily compacted there were “points to the fact that it is an extremist efforts”. The “wing” advocated policy concept was addressed “to the exclusion, contempt and far-reaching rights position” of foreigners, migrants, and political dissenters. The relativization of national socialism “like a red thread” through the statements of the “wing”people.

Cites is, among other things, from Höckes notorious speech of January 2017 in Dresden, in which he called the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a “monument of shame”. The BfV is to certify Höcke, the time before 1945, the place for him, apparently, the last epoch, “in which the German nation was still free of self-doubt and humiliation”. To be mentioned also the of Höcke, as required, in a lump sum, deprivation of rights of refugees from Islamic countries. “No asylum for Muslims in Germany”, posted Höcke in January 2018 in the case of Facebook. Another example of his campaign, the statement in a speech in June 2018, the established political parties were willing “to sacrifice our wives and daughters”. These were victims of “man-made, of people responsible and to the worship of inhuman descriptive multiculturalism”. In the report, Höcke led in September 2018 in Chemnitz, the great Demonstration of right-wing extremists is a global. “A credible distancing on the part of the ,wing’ or Höcke remained personally.”

in Front of the former headquarters posing

In the state Association of Saxony, the BfV has a whole series of officials. The country Manager Jörg Urban, the protection of the Constitution attests to a ethno-cultural term. He said: “A people can only preserve its Unity and freedom, if it remains largely homogeneous.” The Saxon member of Parliament Mr Droese is also. He is posing to media reports the Hand on the chest in front of the former leader’s headquarters. The current Bundestag, member of duck Jens Maier have, in turn, expressed the “production of mixed peoples”, not to be endured “to”. And the Saxon Parliament deputies, Carsten Hütter, the BfV, he put Chancellor Merkel in a “hostile Motivation of the German people”. Reference is made to a Facebook entry Hütters, in which he claimed that Merkel build a “censorship state”, and the copies of the DDR “almost 1:1”.

In the Federal state of Brandenburg, the BfV is particularly land-in-chief Andreas Kalbitz in the visor, one of the most important leaders of the “wing”. Mentioned neo-Nazi slogans such as: “Who does not love Germany, should leave Germany!” The protection of the Constitution also lists Kalbitz Connections to the extreme right-wing scene. Very often the Young Alternative Brandenburg in the report also described the “mass immigration” as the “Import of death”.

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“test case” AfD opinion on the AfD

Frank Jansen

released, at Least to the outside officials from Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg, and give unimpressed with regard to the protection of the Constitution. In Thuringia, the AfD advertises with the Slogan “suspiciously good”. And Kalbitz is the Conviction that in the East the people of “a certain scepticism”, which concerned the monitoring by secret services. He expected no negative effects for the state election. It is also possible that the AfD will not moderate in the forthcoming electoral battles in the East.