The latest revelations to Facebook for Mark Zuckerberg at an inopportune time. Only last week, the Facebook founder had defended in an article for the renowned business newspaper “the Wall Street Journal,” the integrity and business principles of his company. Especially Zuckerberg defended himself against the accusation that Facebook sell customer data.

Just the shared files, and internal Memos from a legal dispute in the United States, however, once again, a wry light on the business practices of the company. Facebook has been sued, because the social network is said to have admitted knowing that children without the consent of the parents spend a lot of money for paid add-on content of Play. Examples of popular titles like “Angry Birds” and “Petville”, which can be played on Facebook.

As First reported “Reveal” about the operations in the case of Facebook, an Internet portal for investigative journalism. Although it came in the year of 2016, an out-of-court agreement. The documents give an unfiltered insight into the corporate culture of Facebook. Not only designated employees can use the procedure in the case of the minor customers as the “friendly fraud”.

Also, two employees referred to in the year 2013, a 15-year-old Facebook user who has spent 6500 dollars for games, as a “whale”. This term is used for the operators of Casinos, to describe people who use a lot of money. Facebook rejected the compensation demands of the parents.

Falling share price

Finally, the files reveal: Facebook has considered measures to ensure that children can not charge without the Knowledge of their parents credit cards. However, the company has done nothing – out of fear of the growth targets and the share price.

The internal debate about the extent to which Facebook, children and Teenagers limits, took place in the years 2010 to 2014. In this period, the stock market falls in response to the social network, takes place in the year 2012. The falling share price increased then the pressure on CEO Zuckerberg and his Management to generate more sales.

Facebook said the allegations that the company had offered compensation and business practices changed. “We are investigating this as a routine of our own practice and we have 2016 declared ready to update our terms and conditions and special resources requests for refund in connection with purchases of Minors on Facebook,” it was called at the headquarters in Menlo Park, California.

Consumer advocates recommend for the purchase of digital content, so-called Prepaid credit cards.

The current incidents, call Consumer protection on the Plan. U.S. organizations gave tips on how parents their children to be better able to protect. The advice in this country to be valid.

Consumer advocates recommend for the purchase of additional digital content, so-called Prepaid credit cards, on the first, a balance must be loaded. Further, the organizations refer to the child protection functions of Smartphones, with which guardians of the purchases of the Small control.

Facebook in the past year, strong in the criticism. It was the role of the Online network in the US election in 2016 and the data scandal Cambridge Analytica. The policy calls also for stricter regulation of technology companies.

Video: “The Silly parts of their data on Facebook” Online chief Michael Marti, which is why 2018 was for Facebook to the beginning of the end. Video: Lea Koch, Anja Ruoss (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 17:39 PM