The Swiss hoarding a lot of cash despite zero interest rates. Many shares and investment funds is critical. However, the banks are dismayed. You pay because of the negative interest rates for small savers. Financial institutions are therefore trying for some time to make your customers with sugar bread (cajoling) and whip (fees, negative interest rates) investors.

“The customers are not happy, if you have no earnings on the Savings, and the banks,” said Thomas von Hohenau, member of the Board of Deposit Solutions. So the German company is behind the Internet platform Savedo. The new platform is to bring savers and institutions: you want to get the money in Switzerland from the niche.

Swiss interest rates are among the highest

money is money that is created for a pre-defined period of time. The saver gets a small interest rate. The first offerings to come from the Munich-based mortgage Bank and the mortgage Bank of Lenzburg. The Institute of Munich for a year, 0.1 percent, and for two years, 0.2 percent. The Hypi Lenzburg offers for a period of four years, 0.25 percent, and for seven years, 0.65 per cent. A minimum amount, there is not.

“It is our target to a two-digit number of banks each having a plurality of fixed Deposit products in multiple currencies to offer”, says Thomas von Hohenau. Foreign banks offer fixed deposits, you lure, usually with a higher interest rate. An estimate of how much money can be attracted, don’t want to Hohenau. In Germany, Savedo and the sister platform of interest pilot were mediated within a few years of savings deposits of EUR 11 billion.

“Savedo has a Chance in Switzerland, if you manage to bring the money as an investment with attractive rates of interest into conversation with Benjamin Manz, managing Director of the money of the country”.ch

A comparison with Swiss cash bonds to money shows that the Savedo-interest rates from the Swiss banks are among the highest. “However, there are also individual Swiss banks with similar or even slightly higher interest rates,” says Benjamin Manz, managing Director of money In the case of foreign product banks certain Savedo-interest rates are likely to be significantly higher than for Swiss cash bonds and term Deposit accounts. However, the risk is in the case of foreign product banks also slightly higher.

fixed deposits are yet for Swiss investors is still not a big issue. “Savedo but has a Chance in Switzerland, if you manage to bring the money as an investment with attractive rates of interest into the conversation,” says Manz. One of the decisive factors for success will be the level of interest rates, particularly those for short maturities.

the development of The market, it might also help if competitors arise. In Germany there are more such platforms, a means She has already registered a Swiss Website. “Concrete plans for a Launch in Switzerland, we are not able to announce,” says a spokeswoman. Customers from Switzerland can take for about three years, a part of the offer to .


Would you invest your money on a online platform?

Yes, the offer seems reasonable.
no, because I’d rather trust my local Bank.

Yes, the offer seems reasonable.


no, because I’d rather trust my local Bank.


543 votes

Yes, the offer seems reasonable.


no, because I’d rather trust my local Bank.


543 votes

A permit from the financial market Supervisory authority (Finma) does not need to Savedo. Because it does not accept savings deposits. The money, the customer ends up with the mortgage Bank of Lenzburg, Savedo gives then the money system. For the banks, the interest payment is worth it, because you can add as cheaper money on the capital market – and you save cost of advertising. Savedo requires banks to charge a fee for the use of the platform.

The company is not, therefore, also as a competitor to the banks. It offers a savings product, but it is only the platform for the distribution of the products. Furthermore, for banks is also possible for the platform to their own customers. The company is the technology provider in the Background.

Peter Thiel as an Investor

shows How to use the the example of Germany. There Deposit Solutions, is working with the Deutsche Bank. The partnership was expanded in the last few months. Switzerland is a promising market, it means at Savedo. Not only the local customers a lot of cash on the high edge. They are also interested in it in various currencies. The is a big difference compared to many other markets in which Savedo is already active.

Around 300 employees, the company is. 10 of them are in Switzerland. Behind the company, several prominent investors, including the German Peter Thiel. He is one of the most influential donors for start-up companies in the world, his political views are controversial. He was one of the few Tech experts, the US President Donald Trump version, and it holds little of the Start-up culture in Silicon Valley, because it would be politically differently thinking hard. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 28.01.2019, 10:17 PM