Billionaire and the former head of the cafékedjan Starbucks is one of several who have been identified as one of the contenders for Donald Trump at the election in 2020.

on Monday said Howard Schultz himself in an interview with CBS ”60 minutes” that he ”is seriously considering to set up in the presidential election”.

he will not set up for one of the two major parties can be set up as an independent candidate, while Schultz usually describe themselves as ”a Democrat since childhood”.

Howard Schultz has directed criticism against both the Democrats as the Republicans, which he considers to be possessed of ”to take revenge on each other” and also said that Donald Trump is ”not capable of being president”.

” When I look at the two parties so I see the extremism on both sides. Here we sit today with around 21.5 trillion dollars in debt, which is irresponsible, not only by Republicans but also by Democrats, as an irresponsible failure when it comes to their responsibility vis-à-vis the constitution, ” said Schultz in a CBS interview.

already warned that Schultz, if he set it up, can get to smooth the path for a re-election of Donald Trump, as the risk then is that the democratic voters would be enticed to vote for him and thus weaken the Democrats ‘ opportunity to regain the White house.

The 65-year-old Schultz himself played down the risk, and did not answer the question when he got it in the ”60 minutes”:

“I want the american people to win, I want America to win,” he said.

Schultz also noted that he is a team player:

” I’ve had plenty of time for me to conclude that I am not the smartste person in the room. In order to be able to make good decisions when it comes to complex problems, I need to employ and draw to me people who are smarter than I am, more experienced, more skilled.

however, has not been slow to criticise Schultz despite the fact that he is thus not yet provided any answers on the question if he is going to challenge him. In a post on Twitter on Monday sawn Trump Schultz and reminded the american people that he indeed is the smartest person in the land:

”Howard Schultz does not have the courage to set it up to become president! Saw him on 60 Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not ’the smartest person’. Furthermore, America already has it! I just hope that Starbucks still pays me his rent in Trump Tower!”

Trump has on several occasions pointed out himself as the smartest person in different contexts. On several occasions during the last year, he described himself as a ”very stable genius” and that he is ”really smart”.

left his position as ceo of Starbucks in 2016 is good for the equivalent of 29 billion. In the interview with CBS, he noted that the situation is very different for a large part of the american people, but he recognizes his own childhood:

” I read the statistics says over 40 percent of the american people do not have 3.500 kronor in the bank and only a crisis from becoming bankrupt, and that five and a half million children in America, many of them african-american or latinoamerikaner, not in school and not working and don’t have a chance, and that one in six people in America do not get the food they need.

” This I never forget. I think it made me who I am.