There are gruesome Details that know the Brazilians about the many special broadcasts from the scene of the incident. Since firefighters discover buried a Bus deep under the mud. The people in it are all dead. A few kilometres away, local residents, reports a Restaurant have stood to have been visited at lunch time. Nothing more is seen of the building, it’s simply been of the slag swallowed. In other Places, in turn, the helper will find body parts that were distributed by the avalanche.

a Few days after the collapse of several reservoirs for mining residues in the town of Brumadinho, there is almost no hope to find Survivors of the disaster among the sludge mass. So far, search teams have around 58 bodies recovered, 305 people are missing the official, according to. It is, so much is clear already now, one of the worst disasters in the history of Brazil.

last Friday was in Brumadinho, in the state of Minas Gerais, a retention basin with slag from an iron ore mine collapsed. The massive avalanche, which coursed in a matter of seconds your way, brought more pools to collapse and destroyed the first administration building, the operator of Vale. You continue to crack the concrete pillar of a railway, burying houses under and spilled into the river Paraopeba. Its banks were swept away, and the riverside forests have been destroyed. In some Places the mud is piled on 15 meters.

Nothing had warned the people in front of the slag roller. The sirens, which are provided for such cases, remained silent. They howled for it on Sunday at dawn, because to break another dam that had been damaged, and threatened. It contained four million cubic meters of water. 3000 people in Brumadinho had to leave their homes, but were able to return a few hours later. The water had been pumped out.

Many of the people who survived the mudslide, are now homeless and have all their possessions lost. The judiciary blocked immediately and 11 billion Reais (2.5 billion euros) on the accounts Vales. You are intended to immediately help in Brumadinho. Israel, a Team of 136 servicemen to help in the rescue of victims posted at the request of Brasilia. The gesture also stands for the convergence between Brazil’s new right-wing President, Jair Bolsonaro and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is the second misfortune of this kind within a few years

The Brazilians are shell-shocked by the disaster, and they are angry. Because it is the second misfortune of this kind within three years. By the end of 2015, the breaking of a reservoir in the village of Mariana was triggered – also in the Federal state of Minas Gerais, an environmental disaster that has been classified by the Ministry of environment as the biggest of Brazil. Also at that time, the group was involved in the Vale on the company Samarco significantly. Also at that time it was a Mine for iron ore, one of the most important export products of Brazil. 19 people arrived in the Mariana died, and the river Rio Doce has been contaminated.

Nevertheless, has been sentenced until today not a single responsible person. Vale offers huge legal resources and the judicial system is striking a lot of time. In Mariana, the dust corners broke due to Overcrowding and improper maintenance. Responsible for the criminal negligence of the group and the lack of state control. But, apparently, has not learned from it. The head of the legal team that investigated the disaster of Mariana, said: “It was logical that a Disaster would happen.”

in 2011, before the rupture of a retention basin

warned in fact, the cases are the same. In Brumadinho, environmentalists warned in 2011, prior to the collapse of a retention basin, if it would have to absorb even more of the mud. Nevertheless, at the beginning of December 2018 has been approved the expansion of the Mine from Brumadinho. In the meetings it apparently came to a violent dispute. Thus Vale have insisted on an extension, although the representative of the environmental Agency Ibama. He warned of the high risk of a dam breach.

The disaster has now reached the German certifier Tüv Süd. In September 2018, he classified the dam as safe, as a spokesman confirmed to Handelsblatt. No defects were detected. Tüv Süd, headquartered in Munich, has 500 employees in Brazil, operating in São Paulo, Brazil. Her special field of mine safety. The inspections of the collapsed retention basin had been part of the regular routine. According to Vale, the Tüv Süd have attested to the stability of the dam, and a low risk of an accident. The condition of the pelvis is located above the Brazilian standard, it said. Officially, no new arrears of the mine were in the pool for the last three years of operation have been initiated. Whether the claims for damages on the Tüv Süd, it is so far unclear.

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Minas Gerais company Vale to dam break in Brazil, with the first penalties

Vale-President Fábio Schvartsman occupied bat for the disaster of Brumadinho sorry. When he took the job two years ago, his office, he had Mariana call the Motto: “Never again!” Now it has caught up with the reality of brutal.