This is the Text of a reader’s letter in the daily mirror of 27. 1. 2019 appeared.

Try to guess who I am! I’m more in the media than Donald Trump and his Tweets, Erdogan and his democracy, Putin and his policy. I was the main reason for the Failure of the formation of a new government in Germany, and for the strengthening of the Right in Europe. I am the great concern of many citizens in this country, because I’m more dangerous than old-age poverty, abuse in families, environmental pollution, drug consumption, climate change, shortage of nurses and educators. I’m the one who always feels guilty for the mistakes of other people. People he does not even know. I’m the one who is ashamed to greet neighbors, when something somewhere happened. I am liable for the errors of each individual and feel threatened by each of the reporting in the media.

From the Community

This is an important letter to a lot of celebrity would have to be placed enter! Of course, I’m under no illusions that you umstimmt to all ‘concerned citizens’ and salon Nazis, but if you could at least encourage one or the other on the edge of the citizen to Think, it would be a success.

…writes user DaW

Did you know it was me? I’m not the refugees! And it’s not a grammar is Alisher error due to a lack of knowledge of the German language. I’m not the refugees! And although all of the refugees. I’m not a doctor, not a lawyer, a farmer, nor a Journalist, not an artist, not a salesman, neither a taxi driver nor a teacher, but the refugees. Although I come from a small town in Syria, and for me, the people in Damascus were the foreign, am I, ever since I was in Europe, one of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Africa. Although we speak different languages, different religions, and pasts, let alone the world, views and opinions. But who cares about such differences, we are at the end of all the refugees. I have lost by the war, friends and relatives, apartment, Job, car, my past and my home. But a loss that I have later felt, is my individuality, I left the Dinghy on the borders of Europe.

More about

the end of the shutdown, The Dealmaker, Trump beat is

Juliane Schäuble

Vinda Gouma, a lawyer from Syria, for six years, in Berlin and at the Humboldt University in its Master of Laws