“Rysslandsexperten do not understand journalism”

“Martin Aagård answer smutskastningen from Expressen Culture”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“I suppose that Magnus Ljunggren is some kind of expert on Russian politics.”

“It is easy to believe it because he has long written about the subject of, inter alia, the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida.”

“the Doubts arise because he is not an expert should do – namely, to explain the complicated phenomena for us laymen, give us details we did not know, and deepen our understanding of how Russia works.”

“instead, he chooses another strategy: he confuses, obscures, and makes such grotesque accusations that only a director of cultural affairs at Expressen could come up with something similar.”

“In the last Thursday published Ljunggren a svavelosande attack against Aftonbladet – a Russian politician described as ”good” associate namely actually with the fascists. No, it was worse than that, the politician in question was Aftonbladet’s ”favorite”.”

“nnBakgrunden is the following: In the past demonstrated the Russian party Vänsterfronten and its leader Sergei Udaltsov to the archipelago of the Kuril islands will remain Russian. “

“the Demonstration also collected the creepy imperienostalgiker and fascists who have been instrumental in the separatist movement in eastern Ukraine. Among other things, the infamous ”Strelkov”, who was previously the commander of the Donbass. Vänsterfronten of Magnus Ljunggren in the past been accused of being a front for Vladimir Putin, but they rallied under the banner of ”Change Putin to the armed forces”. “

“They criticized Putin because he is holding secret negotiations with Japan on Russian territory instead of letting the issue be decided in a democratic forum. I guess there are a lot of nationalistic emotions involved. Fan know. Nationalism is a still creeping insanity.”

“Fascists demonstrating with is also Putin’s enemies. They think not that Putin is a good enough imperialist. The different policies. The same enemy.nnn”

“if you Read Sergei Udaltsovs twitter account, you can see that he demonstrated every day last week. On Saturday demonstrated he to commemorate the murders of journalist Anastasia Baburova and the lawyer Stanislav Markelov together with the Russian liberal party “Yabloko”. Even the anarchists showed up. Last Monday he celebrated Lenin’s death. On Tuesday and arrested his party colleagues of the Russian police outside the Japanese embassy when they marched together with the communist party. On Wednesday, they tried to stop any corrupt construction projects in Moscow.”

“The Russian opposition seems to constantly cooperate even though they are miles away from each other. I would like to know more about it. Perhaps an expert will explain how it works for me?”

“personally, I would never put myself in the same demonstration as the fascists. No one else on our editorial team, either.”

“We would not run the collective farms, operate korruptionsåtal, smuggle money out of the country or to invade the Crimea, to take a few other examples of Russian politicians we have written about: Pavel Grudinin, Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Putin.”

“nnOch here comes the heart of the matter: the at least expertiga with Rysslandsexperten Ljunggren is that he does not understand what journalism is. Which is a shame, for it is put under severe pressure in Russia.”

“So let’s take a crash course:”

“If Aftonbladet writes about a person, so it does not mean that we nominate him for an office. We are not Russian speakers, we are not even russians, we are not allowed to vote in Russia, we are journalists who tell you things you did not know.”

“How the Russian the left is doing, for instance, is a story we told you about at various times. If Ljunggren have any comments on the articles he is welcome to criticize them. We are all ears.”

“the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida may of course continue to smear our Rysslandsbevakning in every way they can think of. We can’t prevent them. In the meantime, we continue to make use of qualified writers, initiated the dissidents and award-winning journalists on the Putinkritiska Russian newspapers (whose articles in Aftonbladet, incidentally, enthusiastically quoted in the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s leader board). We think that their votes are needed regardless of what the experts at Expressen culture says.”

“But they get to actually decide if they should accuse us of being Putin’s lackeys or lackeys for Putin’s enemies.”