Aarne Pelkonen was a fair twenty-something when you started to question the childhood home of their lessons. Eventually, he left the performing arts to a negative attitude towards the basis of the conservative laestadianism and sing premiered in the Ice-opera.Aarne Pelkonen tell in the video of his career.

Singer Aarne Pelkonen , 32, laulajanura skipping motion in 2013, when she won the Lappeenranta national singing competition. Two years later he also won the international Sibelius singing competition.

Now, six years on from the first song of the competition, Pelkonen debuted in the national opera in January. He sang the lead role Ulla-Lena Lundberg Finlandia-award winning Ice-a novel based in the opera.

I’m glad that I’m done with this, because in Finland I’m still an opera singer as a relatively fresh face, he’s thinking.

the Role is the fear of a natural, because he put in a small archipelago in the ward work which begins the priest. Spiritual background man is a graduate of the cantor, and studied church music.

I Can identify with the role, because I’ve seen that kind of life. The role is serious and there is a deep level. One that I gladly dive into.

life change

Serious role in addition Pelkonen makes prefer comedy and sing lighter music. Despite the fact that classic song circles entertainment by the musical direction of shifting may be considered as skewed.

Pelkonen try to ignore music genres border on genuine. He believes that the limited thinking affect of fear, which he, again, is learned off.

I’ve made a big output, and the spiritual journey, so after many other things seem to be really small, he said.

Humor and friends have helped the singer to cope with a revival in the experienced heavy things. Also music has brought light and joy. I don’t know how to be any bitter, although I can see the past kipeätkin things. Everyone has his background and his path. For me, it was fine. Inka Soveri

the fear of had to become a cantor. Then he won a singing competition and ended up on the opera stage.

Yet their profits while Pelkonen was involved in the revival movement. He had grown vanhoillis lestadiolais new 15-in the spiritual childhood of the family itself.

my Background shows me still, and that education is a person in pretty deep. I don’t think that it will be able to wipe out, isn’t necessary. It’s a part of me, it’s all what is experienced and seen, he’s thinking.

the revival in growth was a lot of good things: building community, helping others, honesty, and transparency. Good basic values, which in addition to the motion there is also a strong music tradition.

Good things have survived in my life, although on top have come to a different lifestyle and values.

on the other Hand, has me sad, if, say, musical creativity is not afraid to bring out the community teaching. Or if your own sexuality to shame. Themselves and life’s good gifts should not be anyone to fear.

Pelkonen, however, decided to break away from the revival movement. The opera singer’s career wouldn’t fit together like. I believe you will learn to consider namely the vice-ridden gnome, for example, in the theater and the opera the love stories and inappropriate contact with the opposite sex.

– the opera song takes a very negative lestadiolais new, but I didn’t go out because I wanted to make a profession. Of course, it is an important issue, but this is a bigger entity and philosophies related, he explains.

Pelkonen said he didn’t know very accurately why the performing arts are treated so strictly in the community.

– in performing arts, for example, the solo occurrence is such that lestadiolais new it perceived to be human worship. Feared perhaps, that the performer feels cocky, and safe I believe life anymore.


a Safe life in the community event tough things. They put Pelkonen think about things to the bottom.

– I’m a sensitive person, and consider the easiest things in depth. Living in that kind of fairly close-set community, which deals with the weekly life and death issues, may not always be easy. It is something that I’m not there so terribly miss.

sermons, and the songs often deal with the big spiritual themes, such as sin, grace, heaven and hell. The little boy was left to wonder, for example, summer services in emerging themes in earnest.

I thought about many big issues, one of which the key was that it certainly lives properly, in accordance with God that is saved. Everyday level considerations might be such that I can go to a concert or to the swimming pool, when is Sunday, the sabbath day, he recalls.

Aarne Pelkonen sing for two years the Oldenburg opera house in Germany. After that, he worked in the country freelancing for various opera houses and festivals. –Recording in the spring of Finnish ditty, a couple of old classics and new compositions. Accompanist is a small acoustic band, which have included, among others, Iiro Rantala, Jukka Perko and Marzi Nyman. Inka Soveri

afterwards, when I think there was a really big emotional storms of a small, sensitive boy in mind. The overriding memory from childhood is that I was lonely. Later, when I made friends, there were also happy moments.

the exit from the religious sect from two to ten around the age of was in the end pretty simple. Family multiplication was the last liberating thing, because he experienced to break away from that religion before.

Output of course, affected my relationships, but dramatic rift between not become. Alarm movement, the waiver seems to be the only alternative to the idea of world change.

– I Was previously very heavily involved in the movement, defended it and believed it. I can’t explain it, why some people have strong believer and someone else sees that it makes any sense, and not to believe. And why things can suddenly change, she twists the idea.


in the Spring to be presented to the Ice after Pelkonen looked again foreign direction. As one of the future dreams as he has to work more abroad. Also the Savonlinna opera festival would be a great occur.

– Now there is a lot of plans in Finland, but the following season have to watch a piece at a time. At least individual productions will sure to be abroad.

Pelkonen has embarked on an opera career in Germany, and worked in the country several times since. Working abroad is rational, the performances are almost every day.

– It’s pretty heavy, but good training course for young opera singers. Career at the beginning of the take so to speak. It’s a good thing, if it stays in healthy proportions, for experience it.

Work is done on a relatively small salary, and opera on pallets to see the glamour of show singers in everyday life.

– It is hard work, and especially in the early stage of the career the salary is not very much. It’s a fact.

the Young singer first contract monthly salary can be less than 2 000 euros.

– Career building done a lot of work for little money. Experience and advances can get to do productions here and there. Then palkkauskin can be a lot better. In the international arena pay range is great.

the Hobo Finland and other European matters go, the friendships remain inevitably received less attention. – On the other hand, I have that kind of attitude, that work is not everything. Although I made sacrifices, I still could never choose my job over even the closest friends. Inka Soveri

Now Pelkonen enjoys his time in Finland. He has settled in Helsinki, where he rented himself an apartment in the fall.

– I have not had a permanent home in a long time. Now that is nice, that is the place where you can spend time with and not just sleep.

Inka Soveri