The Berlin Senate and the Brandenburg Cabinet want to decide on Tuesday to a joint session of the new common country development plan “capital region Berlin-Brandenburg”. He sets out for decades, that new residential and commercial areas, primarily in locations along the railway lines may be expelled from the Mark in the metropolis, the famous “urban star”.

For regions in between, apply as in the past, Baur strictly. CDU-Chef Ingo Senftleben, according to the state election on 1. September wants to be Prime Minister, calls for a change in strategy.

Mr Senftleben, what is bothering you at the new land development plan?

the Name represents the core of the problem: not just in the capital region, not the entire state of Brandenburg. He is the life, and the reality is, hindered developments.

How do you come up with that?

as a growing metropolis of Berlin, will continue to grow strongly. Common goal must be that this carries over to Brandenburg, far in excess of the bacon belt. Because Berlin also benefits, because it takes pressure off the local housing market with rapidly rising Rents, if more people can move to Brandenburg.

but For that it needs more housing, kindergartens, schools and better transport links. In addition, digitization offers the Chance to organize the Jobs is different, because you can communicate from home and work. All of this does not exist at all. The Problem is that this dynamics to a lot of places in Brandenburg remain excluded, or in their growth hindered.

Minister-President Dietmar Woidke to Brandenburg’s interests?

It’s worse. Actually both, Mr. Miller is betrayed in Berlin and Mr. Woidke, Brandenburg, each of your state. You have to think of this growth finally, the population in Brandenburg and Berlin benefited from it, both of them have something. But that does not happen.

The government accuses them of, to exaggerate, to stir up uncertainty.

The man has done prior to the cancellation of the district reform. But we have a good witness, nearly eight hundred witnesses from Brandenburg, namely, municipalities, cities and counties, which have submitted observations in the participation process, all of the critical position, a total of several thousands of notes: The Tenor is not unanimous, the fear that this country’s development, promoted the plan in the regions of potential growth, but a growth brake, because municipalities can not freely, new residential areas will be shown. In the suburbs, and in distant regions.

Ingo Senftleben is the Chairman of the CDU in Brandenburg and parliamentary leader in the provincial Assembly.Photo: Joerg Carstensen/dpa

Can you give examples?

of Course, to us, many are well known, we have contacted many. We take the municipality Nuthe-Urstromtal, forty, fifty minutes from Potsdam. As the mayor complains that there in the next few years, only a few homes built are likely to be, although the need is actually there.

In the North, in the district of Prignitz, there is the same criticism about the Offices, Putlitz, Meyenburg. A service Director from the South-West of Berlin, has reported to me that he should offer no house, no apartment, no building area. Such complaints we hear from communities that are located approximately an hour’s drive from Berlin or Potsdam, which can be for daily commuting, where people would go on and on.

Maybe there are still dreams?

I don’t know if any hope the spot is open. But worse would be to regulate from the outset, that it can’t succeed in the first place.

you Want to take the risk that the Berlin area is completely urban sprawl, or “green lungs” of the metropolis to be built?

Also, we are in favour of development work ordered, Brandenburg, a Federal state, where the nature remains a figurehead. But this can’t lead to that half of the Uckermark belongs to the space compound and then a Hotel is not allowed to expand, or that in a place only a handful of new single-family homes are allowed.

We don’t want to, that municipal decisions be so regulated by the land planning, too little attention to the regions.

In the Plan of the new capital-Airport as a Single-location for Berlin and Brandenburg. You also have a Problem with that?

We finally need the BER, as a airport for Berlin and Brandenburg. Our Position is, however, For a transitional period, until at BER really is enough capacity there, Tegel required. Not permanently, but for a few years.

With the changes in the land development plan, you could get air that Tegel does not have to be a year and a half to BER-Start closed. Or allow, that the Brandenburg regional airports – I think of Neuhardenberg – discharge functions for the BER may accept what is, as yet, excluded. This does not happen. It is also thought to closely. You are depriving yourself of opportunities.

In Brandenburg is on 1. September selected. They are designated top candidate of the CDU, want to be Prime Minister. What is the political consequence you draw, if the land development is decided on a plan now unchanged?

There is the famous first one hundred days, if you won an election, and successfully complete a government has been formed. I say very clearly: As the Prime Minister of Brandenburg, I’m going to quit in the first week in a letter to the Land of Berlin, the country’s development plan. Something else is out of the question, of course, with the note that we are the outcome of new negotiations: Berlin and Brandenburg at eye level.

Ingo Senftleben, 44, is the Chairman of the CDU in Brandenburg and parliamentary leader in the provincial Assembly. He wants to be after the state election in the autumn of the Prime Minister.

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