DAVOS (Dagbladet): The many warnings and the desperate cries from scientists and activists are becoming increasingly more and more dramatic. The simple message is that time is running out for humanity, in the attempt to prevent the worst effects of global warming.

I dare not even to think about. No, I refuse! For one, we can’t let happen. We will not let it happen.

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It says Christiana Figueres, former klimasjef in the united nations, to the Newspaper on the questions about what the outcome will be if verdenslederne gathered at the World Economic Forum in the swiss Davos, and the rest of mainstream society does not take major steps to limit emissions.

Figueres was that klimasjef in the united nations a key role in efforts to negotiate Parisavtalen. This week she has been in Davos, where she believes the climate challenges the world is facing should be the main theme of conversation at all the summits that take place here. Many believe she works in the uphill battle in Davos.

there has been no shortage of criticism against the elitemøtet, which among other things has been called “a family reunion for the people who destroyed the world”.

“Research is the brutally honest”: – the World has three years to avoid klimakatastrofe – Requires historic effort

Even if it does lack on the prominent voices that have engaged in the battle against climate change, it created extra attention when mentioned Figueres and a group of five other prominent diplomats, environmental activists and scientists warned the entire world in an open letter that we have three years on the us to avoid a klimakatastrofe.

the Message was simple enough:

It is still as far as possible to avoid dangerous and irreversible damage to the planet, but it will require a historic effort and coordination from nations, businesses, scientists and “the man in the street” the next three years, it was in a letter published in the magazine Nature.

– A family reunion for the people who destroyed the world

the Letter was signed by the said Figueres, Stefan Ramstorf, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Gail Whiteman, Johan Rockström and Anthony Hobley.

the Research is brutally honest: It is clear that the world can not helbredes in the course of the next few years, but it can be life-threatening injured by the negligence before 2020, wrote Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, at the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change in the letter.

the Group concludes that if the earth manages to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases permanently by 2020, so the global temperatures will probably not reach a feared irreversible limit.

– Is really in a bad way

a year and a Half has passed and we are halfway to the “deadline” they gave in the summer of 2017. So how is the world doing?

Not very good, according to Figueres.

We are really in a bad way, she says to Dagbladet and refers to a recent report that has taken sekspunktsplanen that was laid up for a year and a half ago.

SEVERE: how To describe Christiana Figueres, former klimasjef in the united nations, the situation in the world. Photo: Nicolai Eriksen Show more

This is sekspunktsplanen, which the group believes need to be reached by 2020, if the globe should have the opportunity to get into:

* 30 percent of the electricity consumption should come from renewable energy.

* the Creation of a fund that will spend 300 billion dollars annually to work for that cities and states should be able to replace fossil fuels by 2050.

* 15 percent of all new vehicles should be electric.

* to Cut emissions from deforestation.

* Get a final plan on how to halve emissions from deforestation by 2050.

* Encourage the financial sector to issue more cers aimed at klimatilpasningsarbeid.

– Not good news

We asked for a report to examine how we are doing, and it was not good news, ” says Figueres.

Of the six points, so there is only one that is well on the way to be able to be met by 2020, according to the klimatoppen:

* It is estimated that renewable energy will be cheaper than fossil fuel energy by 2020, and a goal of at least 30 per cent of electricity consumption to come from renewable energy is within reach. It requires, however, a further acceleration in efforts to develop renewable energy, said the report from the World Resources Institute.

zero zero

It is not that everything is lost if one does not reach the goals that have been put forward, but a number of world-leading scientists have pointed out that one must be able to turn the curve in global emissions by 2020, if one is to have a realistic hope of reaching the most optimistic klimamålene. Namely that one restrict global warming to 1.5 degrees.

Figueres will not think of a scenario where one does not reach the goals. The consequences will be too terrible, ” she believes.

– You don’t listen to us. It made you never – Driter in the climate

Nina Jensen, the former secretary general of WWF, the World wildlife fund, now the head of the Kjell Inge Røkke large havsatsing and research and expedition ship REEFS, the Ocean, has also been in Davos this week.

She told the Newspaper earlier this week that she believes a significant proportion of the actors in Davos, whether they have come here with charter, privatjet, or by use of other means of transport, in fact, trying to make a real difference for the climate.

But of course, there are also a significant proportion of politicians and business leaders here that driter completely in both the climate and the environment, and who only see it as a thorn in the side.

Thunders against the “klimaeliten” in Davos: “People are stooped and tired – Now or never

Just it has been an important struggle for Figueres in Davos this week.

– the Effects of climate change has never been so clear, or actions so urgent, that now, when we are in full speed heading towards a tipping-point where it will be impossible to turn back. Then it is natural to think that the leaders of all places would discuss this concern as their most important priority, she said in connection with the start of the summit, and added:

– the Decisions we take in the course of the next two to three years is of crucial importance for the huge structural changes we must undergo in order to safeguard the climate and clean up the air we breathe. This is a now-or-never opportunity.

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