In Paris, demonstrated on Sunday, several Thousand “Rotschals” against the protest movement of the “yellow vests”. The rally continued in the afternoon, in rainy weather from the Place de la Nation in motion. The participants, many of which are red scarves, wore, went, according to his own information against the violence on the edge of the “yellow West”protests and for the institutions of the Republic on the road.

On Saturday, had mobilized the “yellow West” (“Gilets Jaunes”) country-wide 69’000 people, it came again to riots.

The number of participants in the Demonstration of the “Rotschals” (“Foulards Rouges”) fell short of expectations. The organizers had expected in the morning with a minimum of 10’000 participants – as many had previously been prohibited on the Online network Facebook, your participation in the “Republican March of freedom,” in the French capital.

At the top of the Demonstrationszugs the activists chanted “Yes to democracy, no to the Revolution”. To see more of France-flags, and a handful of Europe-flags were. Some of the participants wore T-Shirts with inscriptions such as “I love my Republic” or “stop the violence”.

President friendly “Rotschals”

the Initiator of The “Rotschals”, Laurent Soulié, close to the party of The Republic movement (La République en Marche) by President Emmanuel Macron . The engineer from Toulouse, had launched the idea to the Demonstration in mid-December, Facebook. The mark of the red scarves is a protest group that demonstrated since late November against the Road of the “yellow West” blocks.

This had brought on the eleventh day of Protest Saturday in a row 69’000 Frenchmen on the road, as the interior Ministry announced. In Paris, around 4,000 of the “yellow West demonstrated” against the reform course of the President of Macron.

In comparison to the previous Saturday were the participants pay back easily. Last weekend, the country had involved far 84’000 people in Paris, there were 7000.

The “yellow West”-protests against the reform policy of the government. Another conflict theme the as to low perceived purchasing power. Some of the “yellow West” also call for the resignation of the President of Macron. The 41-Year-old is faced with the most serious crisis of his tenure, which began in may of 2017.

To defuse the conflict had responded to the Macron in December, with billions of social measures. In addition, he called for a “citizens ‘ debate”, at the citizens until the middle of March in their communities proposals. Macron took part in the past week, even on such a conversation in the South of the country.

clashes at Place de la Bastille

In Paris, it came on Saturday at the Place de la Bastille to clashes between police and protesters. The security forces used tear gas and water cannons to protesters push back, the projectiles they threw at the police. According to the Prefecture, 22 people were arrested.

Jérôme Rodrigues, one of the mouthpieces of the “yellow West”, was seriously injured on the eye. He was of a rubber police bullet hit, said his lawyer, Philippe de Veulle on Sunday the TV channel BFM. “He will be hampered all his life.” The projectile had been collected by other protesters as a piece of evidence.

The use of rubber shot is controversial. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner had announced that the security forces with body cameras to document the operations better. The left-wing opposition politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon called for after the violation of Rodrigues to withdraw Castaners.

collisions, it also was in the “yellow West”-strongholds of Toulouse and Bordeaux in the southwest of France and in the South in Montpellier and Avignon, in several Western cities of France.

call to new “Nuits debout”

for the First time, had called on activists at the Bastille square in addition to a “yellow night”. Model of the social movement “Nuit debout”, the reform of the previous socialist government protested in 2016 against the labour law. The Assembly has been completed, according to information from journalists of the news Agency AFP.


Created: 27.01.2019, 19:05 PM