It requires a little imagination, but where raw concrete walls jut into the sky, you can make still this year a lot of shopping. After about two years of construction, the new Migros building on the square at the edge of the cross square is slowly taking shape. “We are progressing well,” says Stefan Ghisleni of Ghisleni Partner AG. He is the overall head of the project . The Expansion of the three sub-basements, and the Installation of the building technique there is, for the most part.

For the implementation of the Migros-replacement new construction of the Zurich-based architectural office von ballmoos Krucker had to take some hurdles. The architectural competition was completed in 2012. Due to numerous Changes to the Zurich building and zoning regulations the company had to adapt the project but several times.

Tight spaces during Demolition

“in 2016, we get finally the building permit and in 2017, the building permit, since after the planning application was made, fortunately, only a few Objections were,” says Ghisleni. However, the Demolition of the existing buildings was due to the lack of space is complex and has taken around a year to complete.

Likewise, consuming the excavation were working on. It was Stadelhofen, explains Ghisleni, with the installation of ground Anchors the excavation of up to two meters of the Tunnel, the diameter line between the station and deep wells pre-joined.

Is completed, the curved building with its Windows and the facade made of exposed concrete, it will close the last gap in the South of the square. With its height of 18 meters, and the intramural character, he is in line with the overall image of the adjacent houses.

a Central point of purchase

As some of the existing buildings of the Migros new building is a colonnade so that a pedestrian can walk around the cross course in the future, almost entirely in the shelter of the arcades. This is likely to be of advantage, because, for the district’s residents, he is a Central shopping place.

This is the place where the three former municipalities Hirslanden, Hottingen and Riesbach clubs, in Zurich’s importance plan is a high of urban and regional importance. The importance of the plan shows the network of the most important urban spaces for public life from a pedestrian’s point of view.

The important plan of the city of Zurich: To Enlarge

clicking on the cross marked the place today from the traffic, and there is little living facilities, says Meret, Peter, the spokesperson of the urban development office. With the numerous public uses in the ground floors, he gains but attractive. “The new building of the Migros takes this principle and contributes to the additional recovery of the place.”

vote fight for crafts houses

The face of the square in the last century, fundamentally, as a single contiguous small parcels of land were laid out to larger Plots together, and, in consequence, multi-storey properties created are has changed. Only in the middle of the square, the tram still dominates the waiting hall, the image that was built in 1918 in the style of an ancient circular temple according to the plans of the city architect Friedrich Fissler. The waiting hall with their pillars and plaster paintings on the domed ceiling of art painter wild helmet Hartung is like a time capsule from the past, while all around there is hardly a stone remained.

Were demolished: The craft houses in the North-East of the cross square (picture: archives of the TA)

Not always the changes went silent. For the preservation of old crafts houses of the early 19th century. Century between klosbach road, Zeltweg and Artergut was filed in January 2000, even a people’s initiative. “Save the cross of space” had at the ballot box, but no Chance: The Voters, the template is rejected at the 23. September 2001 with a large majority.

Since 2004, a Block of 23 apartments, offices and a Restaurant now stands in the North-East of the square. On the free space created by the demolition of the craft houses, held on Wednesdays a market.

headlines in New York

Also, for the Migros building, a striking house had to be replaced, which was in 1975, with his design of the façade, even in New York the headlines: the rainbow house. While it is debated in Zurich about whether the colorful painting of the walls, art on the building, or simply just tasteless, it was Overseas, the fact that the American building, painting had now found their way to Europe.

Made in the ’70s headlines: The rainbow house (picture: Dieter Seeger/TA)

unlike the artisans’ houses, the demolition of the rainbow house, but no protests. The old Migros was no architectural Bijou, to mourn, says Urs Frey. Although the President of the neighborhood Association Riesbach find the Migros building also faceless and sees a tie between the square and the underlying Districts.

For him, but there are far more important aspects that need to be addressed. “The place has to cope with lots of traffic. There was a hard struggle for new traffic guides, which stopped by Objections, and now in the Sand are lost,” he says. After how annoying he finds the narrow retaining rim for Tram and Forchbahn out of town.

road work in March

A total renewal of the cross square is not planned, according to Meret Peter at the moment. Only with the replacement of the railroad will look at the design of the “”. The renewal of tram turnouts and the road surface was on all five streets in the intersection area in the next few years. On the Zeltweg between cross square and mercury street is also planned for the introduction of a bus lane in the direction of home.

Already in the beginning of March 2019, the construction work can start according to Peter in the Zollikerstrasse. The project includes the renewal of water pipes, of various plant lines and the road surface. “The construction works are expected to be in September 2019 completed,” says Peter.


Created: 28.01.2019, 09:30 PM