“The penalties can be tightened for certain terrorist offences”

“The Swedish terrorism legislation has been criticised for being out of focus, fuzzy and difficult to apply. Now can three different laws become one – and the penalties for certain offences to be tightened up.”

“Since February of 2017, a government commission to review all legislation in Sweden for terrorist offences. In the week that will presents the conclusions.”

” the Legislation is complex, difficult to apply, and was negotiated under heavy time pressure. Now, the idea is to take a step back and get it together a regulatory framework becomes more efficient and more effective, ” says the commission’s secretary Martin Rhodin.”

“Provisions on terrorism and terrorrelaterad crime gather today, in three different laws: the terroristbrottslagen, rekryteringslagen and financing act.”

“the financing act and terroristbrottslagen was introduced in the early 2000s, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in the USA on 11 september 2001.”

“Rekryteringslagen, as a means of punishment for public provocation, recruitment and training concerning terrorist offences, com 2010. Six years later it was extended to include the prohibition of terrorresor.”

“Now, the idea is to collect these three laws in a single framework.”

“But the government also wants the commission of inquiry proposes stricter punishment.”

“– In directives being questioned about the severity of the penalty which are the subject of this legislation in all parts reflect the seriousness of the crime, ” says Martin Rhodin.”

“If it is maxstraffen or minimistraffen to be increased – or both parts – he does not want to tell. The maximum penalty for terrorist offences that are handled in the terroristbrottslagen is already life imprisonment, while the minimum penalty is four years. For crimes against rekryteringslagen is a maximum penalty of two years.”

“the Investigation will also see if the concept of”

“The three nazis who were found guilty were prosecuted for terrorist crimes because the prosecution does not conclude that the bombs were directed against the could be considered as a population group.”

“– We look at whether the concept really includes all that could be covered, for example, asylum seekers or people with certain sexual orientation or religious affiliation, ” says Martin Rhodin.”

“chief Prosecutor Agnetha Hilding Qvarnström, with great experience of terroristutredningar, think it would be good if the law was more understandable for all.”

“– the Idea is to get a more cohesive legislation is more transparent, and perhaps also to some extent easier to apply, ” she says.”

“Terroristlagen sets high standards for someone to be able to be folded for terrorist offences – and there will be no change,” she points out.”

“– It will be required that you should be able to get someone convicted for responsibility for terrorist offences is in principle the same as in the past, said Agnetha Hilding Qvarnström.”

“so Far only six people convicted of terrorist offences or terrorrelaterad crime in Sweden, of a total of 29 defendants. A major objective is ongoing, however, still against the six terroråtalade men from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.”

“The Swedish rules on terrorist offences, offences related to terrorism is available in three different laws.”

“1) Terroristbrottslagen”

“stating what a terrorist offence is. It is when someone commits a grundbrott, for example, a murder, kidnapping or sabotage, which can seriously damage a state or an intergovernmental organization. The aim should have been to seriously intimidating a population, or a population, compel the public bodies or an intergovernmental organisation to do something or to refrain from doing something, or to destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment.”

“Contains several different parts. Prohibits, inter alia, the recruitment to terrorist offences, public incitement to terrorist offences, to give or receive terrorutbildning and terrorresor. The maximum penalty for the violation of the rekryteringslagen is imprisonment for two years.”

“3) financing act.”

“Regulates criminal liability for financing of terrorist acts. The maximum penalty for the violation of the financing act is six years in prison.”

“Source: Dir 2017:14, domarbloggen”