“Woman admits she lost a son in the blood”

“The 36-year-old Danish woman has been charged for that in several years time having lost her son in the blood recognizes itself partially guilty.”

“At the rättegångsstarten she confessed that she lost the boy on the blood for two to three years and that there have not been medical reason for this. The woman refuses, however, to violent crime.”

“Through his lawyer refers her to Munchausen’s syndrome, a condition that can manifest itself by a person acting rescuers and seek treatment for another person, whose symptoms he or she caused.”

“According to the indictment dropped the woman to her son in about a pint of blood every two weeks from the time he was a year old. The doctors thought at first that blodbristen was due to a rare benmärgssjukdom.”

“the prosecution has called for at least four years in prison. Judgment is expected on 7 February.”