Martine Aurdal creates the entirely wrong the impression of the government’s flyktningpolitikk. I’m happy with it the Left has been given the green light for two regjeringsplattformer in a row: It’s set a new standard for the reception of kvoteflyktninger. Now we take against three times as many as under the present coalition! Is not it good, Aurdal?

on Tuesday criticized the Arms me and Left to be satisfied with gjennomslagene our refugee and asylpolitikken. She has no reason to. The left in government, have established a new standard for the reception of kvoteflyktninger, which is three times higher than the standard under the present coalition. What is it she really criticize?

– I have no need to rub into the faces of the Frp’s that they have lost

When it appears to the high numbers for kvoteflyktninger in 2016 and 2017, forget the Arms, that this is due to the broad consensus in the Parliament about to take the 8000 refugees from Syria over three years, then flyktningkrisen was at its highest. I have not registered a new initiative from the Labor party or the other. Nevertheless, we have now a regjeringsplattform that says clearly that we shall accept the 3,000 refugees each year or 9000 over three years if you want.

Is it just me who is surprised that the Arms, so easily allows itself to be caught, and are convinced of the progress party’s Helgheim facile rhetoric that this is a tightening?

It is true that we have opened for that some can get so-called “subsidiary protection”, but this only if we get a new crisis like the one we had in 2015. The labour party proposes that this should be introduced in all now that there are very few asylum seekers, but we believe that it is only applicable as a beredskapsbestemmelse.

Let me rub it in to Comment

We should be better prepared than we were in the autumn of 2015, I think everyone will be agreed. At the same time, the people who may get subsidiary protection have the right to family reunification, and they will be transferred and integrated in the same way as other refugees. It does not mean the Labour party. For the Left, it is important to protect people’s basic rights, regardless of refugee status. Is not this good, Aurdal?

asylum Seekers who are refused on his asylum application to be returned, and the work to be returavtaler has been going on for many years. It is essential to avoid that, we undermine the confidence of the asylsystemet. It is neither new in the platform now, or in the Jeløyaplattformen.

Permits that are given on the wrong basis will still be revoked. The left contributed to the majority of the cases of revocation of citizenship must visit the courts, and the knowledge and integreringsministeren will come back with suggestions as to how this is done. One of the most important actions we did on the Jeløya was to move the responsibility for integreringspolitikken from the department of justice to the ministry of education, also for matters of citizenship. It will be continued in the new platform and the government’s integreringsstrategi should be followed up.

Left-leader has held his own party for the fun Comment

So is it correct that we do not have managed to implement everything we agreed on Jeløya in the last year. But it is coming.

We should have a review of the dispute resolution system and ensure that children are in greater extent is being heard in the appeal proceedings. We shall also reduce the fee in familieinnvandringssaker. In the new platform is turned it also states that all children in reception should get straight to the kindergarten and pre-school children who need it, now get language training in the kindergarten. Rettshjelpsordningene to be strengthened and more asylum seekers to get space in the integreringsmottak.

Moreover, we ensure a more dignified old age for a group of older people in the reception, who have lived there for many, many years. Amnestiet corresponds to the solution we previously obtained space for lengeværende children. Now reaching out a hand to lengeværende older.

Bitwise reform of the UNE Debate

It is, of course Aurdals options to boast of gjennomslagene to Frp’s justisministere on innvandringsfeltet without pulling out a single concrete example. I find on the contrary that the government’s initiatives on innvandringsfeltet in justisbudsjettet for 2019 was the strengthening of the ID work, the reception of the 3000 kvoteflyktninger and that the government, despite protests from Frp joined to the Un migrasjonspakt before christmas.

Possible I will wait in vain, but I’m waiting still excited about the day Arms will be able to see the government’s and the Liberal party overall project in the government in an objective way.