“The soap is the best weapon against winter vomiting disease”
“the Snowmen, tobogganing and vinterkräk. The season is here, but there are tricks to reduce the risk of the nasty disease.”
“TT: Why do winter vomiting disease out about the same time each year?”
“– It is, as with many other viral diseases that they have seasons. The flu is the same that it will in the winter. If it is because people spend more time indoors and how dry the air is, when it comes to influenza, it is difficult to say. But we have had the occasional case of the winter vomiting disease even in the summer, ” says Sven Montelius, physicians at Visby hospital.”
“TT: How to easily infect it?”
“– It spreads quite easily. Above all it’s about contact transmission, which takes in the same door handles. So it could rub a little everywhere. Then, it is said that it is possibly a small risk of airborne transmission, but then you should be right next to a person who has ongoing vomiting.”
“TT: Could you be immune?”
“– some seem to be immune. They have a genetic make up that makes you not get sick of vinterkräksjukevirus.”
“TT: do you Need healthcare?”
” Sometimes. It is the right rarely, but if you’re impaired by any other disorder, one can become more seriously ill and need hospitalization and fluid therapy. But most people can manage this without any sjukvårdsinsats – which means that we know very little about how many people who are affected.”
“TT: What can you do to avoid infection?”
“– Be careful with their hand hygiene. You should wash with soap and water in all sorts of contexts – if you have been out and shopped, before cooking, after using the toilet and in all the positions you have had contact with other people. Hand hygiene is important and hand disinfectant helps not so good at this virus, but soap and water is better.”
“TT: How will the other members of the family to do with work and school if another family member suffer from acute vomitting disease?”
“– you Have no symptoms and feel great so I expect that you are not infected, so you have to determine the situation that is.”
“HH: Are there any common myths or misconceptions surrounding winter vomiting disease?”
“– Many people think well still hand disinfectant works against the virus. It does not. We have seen that most types of hand disinfectant available on the market do not have sufficient effect. Instead, you need to clean mechanically, wash your hands with soap and water, ” says epidemiologist Elsie Ydring on Folkhälsomyndigheten.”
“– Then they say that 20% of the population is immune to the most common type of the virus that causes winter vomiting disease, but no one is really 100% immune to all virussorterna.”
“HH: Affected adults more than children?”
“– It is a bit difficult to say. Because this is not a notifiable disease, we do not see all cases. The cases reported to the Folkhälsomyndigheten are those that received the seek care and the statistics show that the old and small children appear the most, ” says Elsie Ydring.”
“winter vomiting disease is caused by the highly infectious caliciviruset. The incubation period is 12-48 hours and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache and fever. But one can also be infected and carry the virus on without showing symptoms.”
“the Virus is spread in different ways: Through direct or indirect contact with infected persons, through food handled by the infected person, through raw shellfish or vegetables contaminated with sewage. Caliciviruset is destroyed at temperatures over 70 degrees, but not freezing.”
“Some people may not be winter vomiting disease even if they are exposed to the virus, because of a gene that protects against the most common type of caliciviruset. However it is not an absolute protection and may become sick of the other, less common types of the virus.”
“Source: 1177 Vårdguiden and Folkhälsomyndigheten”