Aalst is A 10-meter-high sponge cake and Waes, there is no need to the Heilig Hartkerk in Aalst again flooding. In the church was to play the drums for a piece of the biggest cake of Europe. Tom Waes and his 10-year-old assistant had 12,000 pieces of cake for Kom op tegen Kanker.
So many people have them in the Heilig Hartkerk been a while not seen. The church has recently been on sale for 350.000 euro. A well-Known Flemish people like Tom Waes to the church for the lure and delicious cake to serve, it is apparently enough to get all kerkstoeltjes full again.
Tom Waes did zaerdagochtend via Instagram have a call, and maybe that has helped. “TODAY !!! SATURDAY 26 JANUARY AT 14.00 H !!!! THE HIGHEST TOP OF EUROPE !!!! If you like the final result wants to see, then come TODAY to the Heilige Hartkerk in Aalst. You can have a piece of buy for 2€ !!!! The proceeds go to #komoptegenkanker @ketnet_be #deblacklist.”
The record
Tom Waes worked with young bakkerstalent Griet Huygens the past few days on what the ‘biggest cake of Europe had to be. Also, the students of the training Bakery of the school Technigo in Aalst contributed their bit. How that’s expired, you may have seen on Ketnet, in the program The Blacklist. In that tv program tries Waes along with a Ketnetter an impossible dream to realize.
The cake was huge, but whether there is a real record is located? “The cake is really very high. About ten metres. There is already a record of the longest cake, which measures 400 metres. Or we really recordboeken go pick up, that is not the most important thing today. Griet her dream is fulfilled, and we are all together on this beautiful venue to the cake to eat. In addition, the proceeds of all those pieces of pie to Come On Against Cancer”, says a happy Waes.
Course baking
are Also the proud parents of Maarten and Liesbeth were a piece of taste. “Yes, Griet does that quite like baking. She has her peter. Of the teachers in Technigo she has a few courses in baking, adele. Our Griet was that this morning, in her bed reading. She is really happy doing,” says Maarten.