“Car thief was caught in the act”

“A man who attempted an audacious car theft on Saturday, failed with their crime, type SVT News Sweden. The man walked into a villa in the Wedge, stole car keys and then ran off with the car. The occupants of the house discovered what happened and called the police.”

“the Police had no major problems that to catch a thief, he had parked just a short distance from the scene of the crime and held on to the load of things from his own car.”

“– We were quickly in place and this is still in the countryside. It did great good, for he was on when we arrived and he was arrested with his fingers in the cookie jar, so to speak, ” says Mats Öhman, presstalesperson at the police, to SVT.”

“the Police suspect that part of it the man tried to bring over to the stolen car is stolen goods and the items were confiscated.”

“the Man is suspected of aggravated theft, theft of vehicles and theft or handling of stolen goods.”